Powerful Subliminal Messages For Effective Public Speaking – 4 Steps to Become a Powerful Speaker

Mesmerize them all and drive your words home each time you take to the podium. Public speaking is a gift not inborn in everyone. Some are just naturals at it, while the greater majority suffers from stage fright. If you think you belong to the latter group, you may be faced with a major problem, especially if you want to get ahead in the career game.

In today’s world, effective public speaking skills are treasures to behold. They can pave the way for you to gain recognition and success, especially in sales and business. Whether it be a sales pitch to a group of executives, a speech to hundreds of your own employees, or a talk at a conference, public speaking is part of the walk to success.

So if you’re hampered by your stage fright, don’t just cower backstage.

1. Recognize the enemy. In public speaking, your main enemy is fear. Once fear creeps up, it can cause you to forget what you need to say. Even if you know the words by heart, fear can come right up and take them away. But try to ask yourself, what are you afraid of? What’s the worse that can happen? You have to ask these questions to make yourself see things more rationally, instead of from a point of view that’s clouded with fear.

Do you see a huge audience? Instead of letting fear take over, be thankful of all those people’s willingness to spend time listening to you.

2. Do Your Part. If you do your part, then there’s definitely nothing to be scared of. And what exactly is your part? You are going to be taking time from other people, so the least you can do is take the speech seriously. Prepare for it. Practice for it. Prepare a script or guide and come up with interesting visuals. Sleep early the night before the big speech.

The best way to counter fear is to know that nothing can possibly go wrong with your speech, because you know that you are best prepared for it.

3. Get Subliminal Help. If you’ve always had a problem with self confidence, whether it’s a result of poor self image or perhaps accumulated years of embarassment and negative public speaking experiences, there is still a way to get extra confidence without having to move a finger. Just go get yourself a subliminal CD, MP3, or video. Subliminal messages can help remove the accumulated layer of self doubt and negative perceptions about public speaking that have set up shop in your mind. Once that’s removed, the subliminal messages then replace them with thoughts like:

I am confident with myself and my abilities.
I speak with full confidence.
My thoughts flow freely.
I am self-assured.
I speak effectively.
Public speaking is a great opportunity.

4. Practice Makes Perfect. You have to take every speaking opportunity and try to make the most out of it. Even if you don’t generate the results you want, in public speaking, practice makes perfect. If you get many chances to speak in public, you will feel more and more at ease with being onstage. This will help completely dispel stage fright and make it easier for you every time you need to take the stage.

Author Bio: Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online. Click Here Now for 4 Free Subliminal Messages Video Downloads (valued at $160)!

Category: Self Help
Keywords: Subliminal Messages, Free Subliminal Messages videos

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