Sanya\’s Largest Slum Was Tore Down

\”Resident home before the Spring Festival JiangCa shantytown\” government tracking

Xinhua xinhua 12 broadcast the nets aerator \”sanya\’s largest slum was JiangCa event\” truth \”an investigation to draft, cause extensive attention. Sanya comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau 14 night on the matter, it provides to respond to a \”about\” sanya event \”was JiangCa maximum shantytown investigation report\” to dismantle explained, pointing to the shantytown existence fire hazard and environmental pollution, management difficult three harmful factors, and said that if JiangCa residents to pay to be placed your ruin \”bound\” compensation.

\”The disorderly pitched disorderly built violation of urban management regulations\”

The report said, sanya phoenix town mango village biggest shantytown is at the end of the 1990s by outsiders to sanya phoenix town itself builds school after forming, these pigs illegal setting-up of bamboo structure diverse forms, and school school sets the pigs, accommodation, cooking and stacked fire waste at an organic whole, without any fire prevention measures, there\’s a large fire hazards.

At the same time, the shantytown hygiene extreme, without any drainage blowdown measures, life rubbish anywhere the discarded prowls pig, sewage cross-flow, stench plumes, easy cause of infectious diseases.

In addition, the school is illegal occupation of land building. It is not easy to register put on record, such as theft and robbery, social security problems common occurance. Except the pig householders shantytown outside, still engaged in illegal operations, violate compasses acquisition of waste, so as to make security of poor condition are unlikely to improve. Family planning policy implementation, the difficult problems such as ChaoShengHu much further enlarging the shantytown social management difficulty.

Report says, this shantytown illegal disorderly pitched disorderly built a violation of urban management regulations, the serious influence sanya international tourism island city construction, hence decided to carry on the thorough cleaning.

\”The government has no obligation to give placement or compensation\”

Will the shantytown cleaning disabled, the report says, sanya comprehensive administrative law enforcement innings in 2010 to all households shantytown November issued by itself dismantling and move notice and offer certain moving time. During this period, the relevant government departments repeatedly to shed homes, education and persuade persuasion, and especially found to purchase merchant, focused on the shantytown all pig for high recovery. Later, in 2011 January 19 and January 27, sanya comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau successively in shanty towns twice removed.

Sanya related functional departments responsible also said, although they are difficult groups, very pitiful, but these which is long-term in sanya illegal structures school, the government has no obligation to give placement or compensation, otherwise, will accelerate this atmosphere, it would be \”bottomless\” and your ruin.

Events playback

Maximum shantytown JiangCa before Spring Festival was

Vice mayor says the Spring Festival fireworks once fire \”government responsibility is great\”

Recently, called \”visited sanya\’s largest slum lunar year of nets esther trigger netizen hot debate. Esther said, in the Spring Festival eve, sanya in hainan for the city\’s phoenix town mango, watermelon village village the biggest shantytown JiangCa, send residents homeless implementation.

During the Spring Festival, some midstream residential still lived in basic dismantle completed within shantytown, they said: \”in my pig in.\”

From DanZhou villagers LiuShengYang said: \”I don\’t understand what the government: why must dismantle before the Spring Festival, which many people doesn\’t move out nowhere to sleep?\”

Sanya relevant departments explanation: 2010 early December, the city\’s comprehensive enforcement bureau joint local residents\’ committees and other departments, 3 times to mango, watermelon village village resident issued to remove announcement; Meanwhile, technically still seek to sanya government purchase merchant, acquisition of pigs, but shantytown midstream residential until 2011 jan 19 compulsory demolition on the same day, most residents still lived in the shantytown inside.

Sanya phoenix town vice mayor WangRuiAn introduces, at the end of the 1990s, such as _ farmers to improve economic income, here build bamboo structure school pig-raising, mango, watermelon village area midstream residential village of 308 door, shacks area of nearly 30,000 square meters. Shantytown longyear environmental difference, the public security fire hazard is prominent, the bad, the family planning policy difficult implementation.

Why are selected for netizens \”before the Spring Festival JiangCa\” questioning, WangRuiAn said, on the one hand, because during the Spring Festival firecrackers situation more, once the shantytown fires, the government\’s responsibility is great; On the other hand, during the Spring Festival, residents just will return to their respective home for the New Year.

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