Seachange by Luanne Oakes, Ph.D.

Luanne Oakes, Ph.D. is definitely one of the more unique individuals in the world of self-help. While a large number of the books on the market suffer from the sin of sameness, Oakes has released a great many books and audio books that are distinctly unique from many of the other works that occupy online catalogues. With Seachange, we are exposed to an extremely brilliant new concept and it is that of songs and poems designed to improve mood and outlook.

It has been said that Seachange by Luanne Oakes, Ph.D. puts forth a number of interesting and haunting poems and melodies that can seriously impact a person on a deep subconscious level. Many will mention that this approach to improving the mind is the best one to take while others will be decidedly skeptical about it. Such skepticism is rooted in a desire for empirical understanding. In other words, people want to see specific and contract processes for improvement. The notion of subliminal improvement might not be too appealing.

Such an outlook may not be the best one to embody. Deep in our subconscious, there are many factors that play a heavy role in our perceptions of what is around us. Self help resources that seek to calm any storms in the psyche are certainly well worth looking into. Seachange by Luanne Oakes, Ph.D. could be considered one such effective resource.

There are 11 songs on this particular CD and they are designed to help reverse whatever personal strife you may be feeling in your internal dialogue and turn it into something more positive. The words on the songs are quite inspiring and they are combined with an effective medley many will find appealing. This is certainly a much better option than listening to dark and depressing music that only aggravates psychological problems.

Sadly, it is human nature to want to wallow in dark and depressing themes and music when you are in a bad mood. That said, such wallowing does far more harm than good since it reinforces the depressed attitudes that might be present. Why would you want to reinforce something that is not good for your mental outlook? Would it not be better to seek positive reinforcement instead? Seachange offers such positive reinforcement which is why it is so highly valuable.

Does that mean if you listen to the songs presented by Luanne Oakes, Ph.D. you will see a complete turnaround on your attitude overnight? No, that is not the case at all. But, you will see modest improvements that clearly and definitively yield results. It is not removed from reality that songs that are positive in nature can make someone feel uplifted. That is why Seachange is such a valuable CD. It has the potential to uplift your previously downbeat spirits. From this, a ripple effect can occur that improves your overall sense of well being.

When you are in a down state of mind, the best course of action to take would be to seek methods that uplift you. The music of Seachange can help in this regard which is why it is a CD so highly recommended.

Author Bio: Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about Seachange by Luanne Oakes, Ph.D.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: Seachange, Luanne Oakes, Ph.D.

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