Six Cheap Wedding Ideas

In America, it is estimated that the wedding costs play roughly at around $27,000. If you would consider your practical side, that amount is gigantic enough. In these times when worldwide financial crisis is being experienced by everyone, wouldn’t you think spending $27,000 on a wedding alone is an over-the-top venture already? Why would you spend $27,000 to have a gorgeous wedding celebration when you can have the same experience with cheap wedding ideas?

It is a common scenario wherein the couple splurges to really give a grand wedding experience for everybody to witness and celebrate with. But if you are going to be expensive on your wedding and you have nothing left after the celebration, don’t you think it would be a little difficult to start with the new phase of your married life?

If you are so keen on having a grand, dream wedding but having a little issue on the budget, consider the following cheap wedding ideas below.

1. Do it off-peak. Traditionally, weddings fall on months of May to December; hence, wedding services and goods are normally pricey. Schedule your wedding then on the dates that fall on the months of January to April to avoid high costs. Cakes, wedding hosts, venues, and other wedding essentials are a lot cheaper than when you would avail them on the other months.

2. Keep your guests at the right number. Normally, wedding guests number to as much as more than 150. That means 150 for the food, 150 chairs, 150 invitation cards, 150 wedding favors and giveaways, so on and so forth. You don’t have to do this. Keep the number of guests thin by sending invitations to people whom you are only close with and you will discover how much you can save by just doing this simple cheap wedding idea.

3. Don’t hire a number of photographers. In this high-technology era, everyone can pretty much handle different high-end digital video-cameras, so why not have a relative or friend do the task? Surely, they would be more than glad to be of help to your wedding. Wedding photographers are always expensive, so cut them out of the expenses if you want to save hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars.

4. Pick inexpensive yet stylish wedding favors. There are many dollar-worth simple items which you can purchase for wedding favors or giveaways. Little, fashionable bags with colorful ties or ribbons with candies or chocolates are great ideas but won’t give you headaches with the cost.

5. Simple and not-so tall wedding cake. Tall, extravagant wedding cakes are costly, we all know about that. Opt these out and choose a simple, short wedding cake. Focus on the design and style of the cake, and guests will still be wowed by the presentation.

6. Invitation cards. This is one of the most effective cheap wedding ideas that you will never ignore. People who are invited in a wedding don’t particularly pay attention to the kind of invitation card given to them. They are more concerned on what dress and gift they would give to you, so don’t be extravagant with the cards. Just make sure they have the complete wedding details including the list of venue, date and time, entourage, sponsors, and etc.

Author Bio: Marie Castelle is a free lance writer and editor who loves to educate people in many different topics. She writes on topics about creative wedding ideas, wedding invitations at the wedding ideas blog.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: creative wedding ideas, wedding cake ideas, wedding cake, wedding reception, wedding theme

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