Tips on How to Free Your Wheels From Being Stuck in Snow
Winter comes and along with it is the fun and revelry brought about by snow. Children playing, ice skating in the park and ice fishing are some things you can now enjoy. However, too much of anything can be bad – and too much snow on the road is not good for you or your car for that matter. Being stuck in snow can be an annoyance. The difficulty of removing your car from being stuck in the freezing cold and dark weather is one of the key reasons people don’t like snow. However, there are simple ways on how you can get you and your car safely back on the road. No matter how powerful your car is, safety should always come first and it is important to not rush and just take your time in getting out of the situation.
Survey your area and find out which route out you can use that has thinner snow patch. Do not rush as the wrong route can get you in deeper trouble. While the whole area may look knee-deep in snow, there are still some areas that you can go around that are slightly thinner.
Get your wheels as straight as possible before you even try to move out. Driving away from this problem would be a lot easier if your wheels are kept straight as wheels positioned sideways would be very difficult to maneuver. Straight wheels alone may not get you out, but it is an important step.
Alternate between going forward and backward so that you create paths in the snow, which will make it a lot easier to get out of the snow. Do not struggle to go straight out as this will be more difficult. Instead, gather momentum as you go backwards and forward.
Control your wheel movement and do not rush. A sudden move in this slippery situation can make you lose traction and eventually, your control. Take your time because rushing to get out can make your car drift. Use the lowest gear shift setting.
If you are still stuck, then it may be helpful to get out of the car and manually remove some of the snow from around the tires. You can use your boots to kick some of the snow out of the way or if you have a small shovel, then you can use it to remove some of the snow and ice that is getting in the way.
If you feel you need tools to help you out, simple items like salt, sand and small stones or pieces of woods can help. Pour salt to help the ice melt while sand, small stones or pieces of stones can provide added traction as you find your way out.
Be thoroughly conscious and be prepared to apply brakes immediately so you can prevent even worse situations like spinning and skidding.
No one enjoys being stuck in the snow when driving. It all adds to inconvenience that is really not welcome, especially during the holiday season. But since Mother Nature has her own ways, we have to be armed with tools that can help us in such difficult situations.
Author Bio: Criss White is a professional article writer for automotive, wedding, and various other topics. To view some winter wedding favors or to get other ideas for wedding favors visit Bridal and Wedding Favors. Note: This article may be reprinted in your ezine, blog, or website as long as the credits remain intact and hyperlinks remain active.
Category: Automotive
Keywords: Wheels stuck in snow, stuck wheels, get wheels out of snow