What Tools Do You Need to Clean Your Apartment?

You\’re going to get caught. On the phone you\’d tell your parents, don\’t worry guys, I\’m focusing real hard on my lessons and I got it all under control. Talk to you tomorrow, mom. Good night.

But this time you just got off the phone and they told you they\’re making a surprise visit today, in the morning of the great house party you hosted last night. Add to that, you barely clean your apartment anyway. What to do, what to do?

So you finally decided to clean your apartment? If cleaning isn\’t exactly your hobby, then you need to go back to basics. Here goes…

1. To clean your apartment on a regular basis, you need to plan a course of action
Get into the habit. Cleaning is a lot like writing. You want to write the great American novel, but when you actually get down to it, there\’s a hundred little things you\’d rather be doing. Same goes for cleaning.

Some tips to get you started:
– Set a date and mark it on your calendar. A big red circle. Also put a sticky note on your fridge so you won\’t forget.
– Picture yourself that day wearing an old shirt and cut-off jeans, doing major apartment cleaning while listening to The Doors or Led Zeppelin.
– Tell your friends not to call you that day. If they want, in fact, they can give you a hand if they feel like it.

2. General cleaning tips
What is cleaning?

If you need to know, cleaning is the act of removing dirt and filth from your apartment. Take note each room requires a different approach to cleaning, all of which you need to figure out and learn if you want to be able to say you\’ve cleaned the entire apartment properly.

Here are some cleaning materials you need:
– If you own a carpet, you need a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaners can be expensive though. There are lightweight but high quality models just under $100 if you\’re working on a tight budget.
– Use a glass cleaner for cleaning mirrors, windows and other glass surfaces.
– Use a wood floor cleaner for shining wooden floors. Products like Murphy\’s Oil Soap.
– Bathtubs and sink require a little more attention. First you need a strong scouring powder to get rid of grime and dirt that had built up over time. You\’ll also need a tub brush, toilet brush, obviously two different things, and a spray cleaner that removes mildew like Lysol Basin.
– Prepare a lot of dishrags and sponges for picking up all things nasty.
– Use a lot of dry and soft clothes, and paper towels to dry off wet surfaces.
– Use an air disinfectant to freshen up the room after you\’ve cleaned it.

3. Organizing
Organizing is the act of storing things systematically so they are much easier to find later on. It is different from cleaning. Make sure you organize your stuff properly later on after cleaning your apartment.

Get into the habit of cleaning your apartment regularly, so you won\’t get in trouble every time the parents make a surprise visit!

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Category: Home Management
Keywords: how to clean your apartment, apartment cleaning

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