10 Golden Tips For Successful Networking

Ok, so you have left your 9-5 job and set up your own business. To be able to sell your products or services, you will need to find clients. If networking is your chosen technique for growing your business, you need to be very clear as to what it means and how to be a successful networker.

What is networking ?

Networking is the development and maintenance of mutually valuable relationships. It is all about giving instead of getting.

People like to do business with people they know, like and trust. It takes time to build up your own network of trusted contacts so don\’t expect to go to a networking event to make a sale on-the-spot. Of course it might happen, however, successful networkers think long term. They understand that the value of networking isn\’t in the potential of an on-the-spot sale, it\’s in the valuable relationship that they build over a period of time. They establish contacts and develop relationships BEFORE they need them.

Here are some great tips to help you network effectively, regardless of what industry you are in :

1. Look for the networking events in your area. This information could be obtained from your local Chamber of Commerce or you can simply do a Google search.

2. Do not go to a networking event with the intention to sell your product or service. Networking is really about giving instead of getting. Your target should be to talk to several people, find out more about them and take the time to help others. When you enter a room, you need to look to make a difference, to be of service. Listen to people carefully and wait for a chance to help them. Give generously, don\’t expect a reward, and it will come to you eventually.

3. Networking doesn\’t have to take place in a structured environment. Opportunities to develop your own network arise anytime. The person sitting next to you in the plane might become your biggest client down the line. Show a genuine interest in people and be willing to help them.

4. Have your business cards with you when you go to a networking event. However, don\’t be too quick to give your card to the other people. Make a connection first. It is much better to exchange business cards towards the end of a conversation as a way of ensuring that the conversation can continue. Don\’t be one of those business card hit-and-runners at the networking events. When someone gives you their card, make a point of studying it, commenting on it and clarifying information before putting it away. You might want to write down a few words about the person or something you have agreed to send them at the back of their card. However, make sure to ask for their permission before you take notes at the back of their card. As soon as afte the event, write the name & the date it was held on the back of each business card you have collected. Follow-up ASAP… Especially if you promised to provide someone with something.

5. Don\’t hesitate to network with someone who has no obvious connection to your products or services. Your new contact may be able to give you relevant names of his or her friends and colleagues.

6. Are you feeling nervous when you attend a networking event ? If that\’s the case, then probably you are thinking too much about yourself. Remember : Networking is about making the other person feel important. Every time you speak to someone, think \”how can I help this person?\”. The more you focus on other people, the less you will worry about yourself.

7. If you are going to a networking event where you don\’t know anyone, you can stand near the registration table and make small talk with new arrivals after they have signed in. These are the first few minutes when most people are alone and interested in someone new to communicate with. Another way of meeting people is by asking one of the organisers to introduce you to some people. Remember that like you, people are there to make new contacts. And if they are not, they are in the wrong place.

8. Are you worried about what you are going to say to the others ? The key is to ask good questions. When you ask the other person about his/her background and opinions, you are making it easy for them to talk. Ask questions like .

– Have you been to one of these events before?

– What made you decide to come to this event?

– Tell me about your work. How did you get into that field?

– Do you belong to other networking groups?

9. Prepare an \”elevator speech\” in advance. Write a summary of what benefits your clients experience from your service/products. Be very brief and concise about what you do, who you help and what problems you solve for other people. And leave it at that unless asked.

10. Do not think that networking should only be about business. When you attend the networking events regularly, you will also make friends. Make the most of networking and enjoy it at the same time. Have fun !

Author Bio: Ebru Ulufer is a Career Transition Coach and she helps her clients discover the work they were born to do. Visit http://www.LifeCoachingZone.com and download her free report \”10 Powerful Questions To Help You Discover The Work You Love\”. For free life coaching, visit http://www.CoachMeFree.com. Follow Ebru on twitter @Ebru_Ulufer

Category: Advice
Keywords: networking,career,coaching,coach

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