ADA Room Signs

ADA room signs on the interior and exterior of all publicly accessible buildings were first madated by the Federal government when the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was first published on July 26, 1991.

It sets forth the proper guidelines and distinguishes the use of typestyles, type sizes, contrast, symbols, Braille characters, tactile messages, background gloss and placement that ADA compliant signs must meet. Also included are guidelines on the specific types of signs that need to be installed for purposes of informing, way finding, room labeling and identification of telephones and first aid stations.

The standards for ADA room signs are set by the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Committee. This committee meets in 5 year cycles to revise the last published standard. There is also the International Code Council for governing. The newer version of the ADA Guidelines is then revised and adopted.

When you hear the term ADA room signs these days you have to remember that they are commonly used in the architecture of all new public building construction. While most people think of braille signs when thinking of ADA signage, there are certainly many other types of signs that are associated with the ADA. Not only are there other types of signs, but the ADA requires much more than just braille and raised characters on some signs.

If a sign is considered an architectural sign then it must comply with the ADA guidelines. An example would be a sign identifying a permanent room or space in a facility, such as exits, including functional spaces of the facility as well. Signs that identify or provide information about accessible features of the facility must also comply with strict ADA guidelines.

There are signs that do not have to meet these guidleines. These would be signs such as those used for advertising and marketing purposes, including temporary signs and billboards. Company logos and names are examples of signs or sections of signs that are not required to meet the same standards. This is the only time that ADA room signs can be non-compliant with the rules and guidelines.

While braille is necessary on some ADA room signs, this particular type of sign is only beneficial to those persons who are blind or otherwise visually impaired. Other types of ADA signs benefit persons with mobility or hearing impairments.

It is extremely important that these particular signs are very easy to read and understand. They also need to be well thought out in order to be of benefit to people who are deaf, have problems speaking, cognitive disabilities or psychiatric conditions that allow limited communication.

These types of signs also are of great benefit when factoring in the freedom they afford someone who has any disability. By using these way finding signs, room signs and informational signs, a person who has a disability can maneuver a public building unassisted. This makes life much easier and brings a person with a disability the same freedom to go about their day that people without disabilities take for granted.

Author Bio: Signate is an expert in trade show displays , vinyl banners and trade show display design

Category: Business
Keywords: signs, sign displays, banners,trade show displays,metal signs, custom signs, wayfinding signage,retr

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