Colon Cleansing Studies – the Facts About Colon Cleanse Treatment

All sickness and disease comes from lack of certain food, such as vitamins or mineral salts. But another cause of illness is due to the absence of normal body defenses, such as natural protective flora. When this happens, the bacteria and toxic will invade your lower alimentary canal. This will generate enough poison to pollute your bloodstream and eventually deteriorate some of your tissues, glands, or organs.

One of the common causes of this is overeating. When your food has not been digested properly, it may become poison. It will clog up your colon and build up on your bowel wall to a certain extent that your feces will not be able to pass through.


If you have the habit of accumulating your bowel on your colon, it may become a dirty breeding ground of bad bacteria and other unhealthy life forms. There is a heavy mucus coating inside that thickens and becomes their host.

Your blood capillaries may pick up those debris, poison, and toxins as they seep through your bowel wall. This is the beginning of autointoxication, which is the direct result of internal constipation.

Aside from faulty nutrition, the quantity and frequency of your fecal elimination could contribute as major underlying factors to constipation. Therefore, you would need colon cleansing to restore your physiological balance.

Deep-Seated Reluctance

But even if you agreed to the importance of cleaning your colon, you might be reluctant to go through an enema or colon cleanse treatment, most especially if someone will do it for you. Somehow, there is something in the culture that makes people shy or embarrassed about this procedure.

In fact, most people are even shy to admit that they have farted, and the polite ones around will tend to pretend that nothing happened. Only comedians can get their audience to laugh when they fart or when their jokes refer to some bowel functions. However, when your health is at stake, you should take things seriously. Feeling good and being healthy should take precedence over your embarrassment.

Colon Cleansing Studies

In medical studies done, an average person has distorted ascending and descending colon, as well as a sagging transverse colon. But x-rays show that after a series of 12 colon cleansing treatments on patients, most of them experience a variety of immediate relief, making them agree to do four more.

If you could only see (and smell) the things that come out of people (appearing considerably healthy) when they undergo a colon cleanse treatment, you wouldn’t believe that it’s true. Often, there will be disc shaped sculpted hemispheres, gravel, lumps, or dark black strings. Or worse, there may be occasional worms that come out. Imagine all of these things are interfering with the proper function of your colon – making the walls rigid and making it difficult to absorb nutrients as well as eliminate the feces.

In a research of 48 colon cleansing treatments, the patients on the colon cleanse studies noticed that their internal structure began to appear normal in x-rays. In addition, they felt a significant improvement in their colon’s performance and functionality. Truly, going through these treatments will not only improve bowel functions, but will help people feel better as well.

Author Bio: A healthy colon is essential to good health, which makes doing a colon cleanse, parasite cleansing, and detoxing a must. If you are looking for more detailed about colon cleanse and unbiased colon cleanse reviews, feel free to visit now.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: colon cleanse, colon cleanse studies, colon cleanse treatment

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