Coping With Physical Pain Through Visualization

It’s normal for people to feel physical pain once in a while. It’s your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. For example, you may suffer from back aches if you sleep in a wrong position. Perhaps your muscles have been overly stretched. Sometimes you develop headaches if you have not been drinking a lot of water.

However, there’s also such a thing as chronic pain. This one is truly uncomfortable because it lasts for a long time. In fact, there are others who suffer from it for years. It can affect single or different parts of the body and usually takes over your daily activities. Those who have chronic physical pain feel very limited. There are certain chores and jobs they could not take.

How do you deal with physical pain? One of the best options is to see a physician. Usually you will be given supplements or medications to reduce the pain or have it eliminated at least for a while so you can find relief.

Nevertheless, you can also do something at your end to help yourself out. A good example is through visualization.

What Happens during Visualization

How do you do visualization to reduce your physical pain? Visualization uses images, sounds, and words to change your perception on certain things, including the way you view pain. Pain is derived from the brain. Your brain sends signals to that certain part of your body. In turn, it reacts by making you feel something excruciating. Visualization therefore tries to change your mind view reacts to stimulus, with the intention of relieving you of the pain.

You can use visualization to surround yourself with something peaceful and calming. You may think about a gorgeous view of the lake or walk along a path of yellow flowers. You can even imagine your pain as the clouds, and you’re just trudging on them happily. If certain factors cause you to feel pain, you picture them as stones that you’re going to throw away into the water or shards of glass you’re going to shatter.

Using Subliminal Messages

To make the images you form more effective, you can utilize subliminal messages. Subliminal messages can also be words, images, or sounds. In this case, you can couple visualization with subliminal messages in the form of words. You can call them positive statements.

While you’re visualizing, the subliminal messages can be:

I am not in pain.
I am strong enough to beat this pain.
I can imagine myself beating the pain.
Tomorrow when I wake up there will be no more pain.
Pain has no hold of me.

As you repeat the subliminal messages, you will develop a sense of confidence so you don’t really end up totally feeling the pain but co-existing peacefully with it. It’s also possible that these two-visualization and subliminal messages-can change your thought pattern and the way your body reacts on stimulus. If the pain is only in the mind, you can expect that there’s a very high chance you can completely eliminate it soon.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Subliminal Messages, Free Subliminal Messages videos

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