Could There Be Food Shortages in the Future

Could there be food shortages in the future? Not many believe that the United States could experience food shortages. I hope and pray that, that\’s the case.

In the news, however, are reports of political and social unrest on a worldwide scale, including the good ole USA. Events of these types cause panic, fear and consternation in the hearts of everyone.

Just look what happens when a natural disaster hits some region of the world. Everyone tries to stock up on everything in sight there\’s never enough on hand to handle the demand. We\’ve all seen the pictures of bare shelves of stores due to everyone stocking up. We\’ve seen looting, after the fact, and all manner of disarray.

These types of desperate actions by people under dire straights are, really, to be expected. Natural disasters can affect fairly wide areas. It\’s not like you can drive down the street to find relief.

Consider a major earthquake in a large city. After the initial shock of the situation passes, the rescue operations begin and you begin to get hungry after a few hours of work. Where do you go to get a sandwich, a bowl of soup or even one of those little bottles of water?

That\’s just it, you don\’t. There is nowhere to go to find food or water. Unless you have some stashed away somewhere that hopefully, hasn\’t been demolished.

All types of natural disasters bring on shortages, disrupted schedules, power outages and whatever else, and then… There is the issue of political and social unrest that I mentioned earlier. This type of disaster can cover even larger areas.

What if the events happening in Madison Wisconsin spread to other states? This type of fever can spread to whole regions and indeed the entire country. Upheavals of this nature can cause all sorts of calamities. Just look back in the history books for proof, if you can find one that tells the truth.

Can you imagine that there could be a statewide or regional union strike in our nations future? If a certain segment of society figures that they\’ve been put upon and decides to just quit for a couple of weeks or months, and if that segment just so happens to provide a vital service – what then.

Are we really prepared for such an eventuality? You know, a lot of government workers are really dissatisfied just now. What would happen if they all got sick for a month? What would happen if all of the truckers, delivery drivers, or maybe the air traffic controllers all got sick for an extended period of time?

You know, the Mormons keep emergency food stores on hand for such as mentioned above, and have been doing so for a long time. We all thought that they were a little crazy back in the day. They don\’t look so crazy now. In fact, they look really smart. Perhaps we should adopt that practice from them and store up a little food and water for ourselves.

Author Bio: I see a lot of commercials enticing everyone to invest in gold or silver for the future. You can\’t eat gold or silver and dollar bills aren’t very nutritional. Maybe it\’s time to stock up the pantry and prepare for a possible food shortage somewhere down the road.

Category: Education
Keywords: food storage,food shortage,natural disaster,union strike,emergency planning,emergency preparedness

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