These are my two favorite abbreviations. Do it yourself and search engine optimization. As the CEO of a NYC SEO company, I love NY and DIY. The Europeans think that we are using these abbreviations to hide our immense knowledge from them. I’m here to prove them wrong. I will write in the following paragraphs, all the secrets and unknowns and everything else you always wanted to know but couldn’t find the time to ask. But first things first! Why would a SEO specialist give out his secrets? Because one, size matters and two, it is not what you know but how you use it. So here is how you do SEO yourself.

SEO (like education) begins at home. Your web site is your home. That is why they call it home page. Your home page must be search engine friendly. He (your home page) must say “good morning/afternoon” every time he meets search engine spiders and invite them in for a cup of coffee. To help your web page to make friends with spiders you must always use a file named “robots.txt.” This file tells the spiders where to go and where your skeletons are hidden. After they enter your site, they must understand what you are talking about and they don’t speak gibberish or sign language. Therefore you must use tags and links and bold words and so on. You must add new content so that every time the spiders visit your home they find different things to enjoy themselves. If you want them to return to their mother with praises about your niche, you must also use the appropriate keywords in your content. The spiders are the most welcome insects in our virtual homes so most of the people in the World Wide Web treat the spiders very nicely. Therefore you must make some activities outside your home to be perceived better by the spiders.

There are article submission sites and press release sites. You must use these to create back links because those sneaky spiders count how many other sites link to your site. These articles and press releases must also be added regularly. If your site is not text based and using heavily flash, you might consider changing it. Or maybe you really love your site and don’t want to change it. If that is the case you can rewrite the content for people who don’t have Flash Player, creating another site that contains lots of text. In fact there are no people who don’t use Flash Player, even if there are, they have strange jobs like giving presents to kids in Christmas or collecting teeth from under the pillows. To tell the truth, this second page you build is only for the spiders, those sly bugs.

Now if you are a busy person like me, you may not have the time to do all that yourself. However you can always ask the professional services of a NYC SEO company. For our European readers I’ll write for this once what it means. It means “a New York City Search Engine Optimization company.”

Author Bio: Next, find out more about NYC SEO in the best specialized website available on such delicate topic.

Category: Internet
Keywords: NYC SEO

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