Five Tips to Get a Cash Advance With No Credit Check

Most people are not aware of the fact that a cash advance lender does not need to perform a credit check to issue you a cash advance. If you do not have credit issues, this is not a problem. If you do however, then this can be the difference between paying the electric bill and spending the next few weeks without power.

Cash advance lenders will make a judgment based on their perception of you as to whether or not you need a credit check. After all, they are looking out for themselves and their money.

If you seek out cash advances every other week, it will be tough to avoid a credit check. This is a situation that you cannot change. However, your dress, attitude, and professionalism when seeking a cash advance can make a major difference in the eyes of a lender. Here are five ways to boost your chances of avoiding a credit check and getting your cash faster, at a lower interest rate, and with less of a hassle.

Tip #1: Dress Well

There is no need to wear your Sunday best, nor is there a need to come dressed as a complete slob. A nice outfit will show that you are simply down on your luck or that you need extra cash to purchase something rather than pay a debt. This will boost your “avoid credit check” points significantly.

Tip #2: Behave Politely

Remember that these lenders usually have preconceived notions about their average clients. Show them that you are different and they will believe so. If they can avoid the cost of running a credit check because you appear to be someone who just needs a little help, they will do you the favor and tilt the table your way.

Tip #3: Explain Your Situation

Explain why you need the funds and what incident prompted this, as honestly as you are comfortable. Do not let a cash advance lender assume that you are always broke and will not be able to pay. Explain that an expense popped up unexpectedly and now you need help until next week. Doing so will help you far beyond belief.

Tip #4: Be a Fellow Human

Remind the lender that you are also a human. Everyone is stuck in a hole at one point in their lives, whether it be socially, financially, etc. Humans want to help each other and by showing that you understand why you are in this situation, a lender will have a stronger trust and faith in your current credit.

Tip #5: Do Not Be Afraid To Ask

If the previous four tips did not work, then do not be afraid to ask to waive the credit check. Even though the first four checked out fine, you may simple have had the luck of the draw when the lender decides to pull a random credit check.

Explain that you do not like giving your credit information to others and that you will take your business elsewhere. This is usually enough to get the lender to change their mind. Worst case scenario, you will find another lender who will be more than happy to assist you the way you see fit.

Author Bio: Geir enjoys fishing and writing about her life within her blog. She also writes about how to get a no credit check cash advance and provides valuable insight into the topic.

Category: Finances
Keywords: cash advance, payday loan

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