Four Steps to Take to Save a Marriage

It is not easy to see trouble coming; otherwise many of us can avoid it before it comes our way. But by the time we realize its presence, it may be too late. Disagreements in marriage are trouble. They can overwhelm the married couple if they are not too careful. They can suffocate and stifle the marriage until both parties feel that all love and hope are gone.

There are many steps to save a marriage. One is to recognize disagreements and learn to resolve them in a constructive manner. Not only does it pack disagreements out of your marriage, you will experience romance and love in your relationship which will strengthen your marriage.

Disagreements can happen very easily and subtly; married couples need to stay alert to their presence. They must focus on building their marriage together as well as want to have a strong marriage to keep disagreements away. It starts with a listening ear and good communication. It involves being open and honest with each other’s thoughts, feelings and needs and playing your role to meet those needs to build up your spouse and thus your marriage.

These are simple steps to save your marriage from conflicts and misunderstandings which can bring on divorce. It is normal to have different opinions on various matters between spouses; however each must learn to accept the other’s differences while looking for common ground. There is no need to impose one’s ways on the other party as variety adds spice to life.

Hence, the married couple would do well to consider ‘we’ than ‘me’ in their relationship. Each must consider the welfare of the spouse first before self, for that is the true essence of marriage. Only then will the ‘we’ factor be put into the right place for a win-win situation.

It is important to know what your spouse wants from your marriage; likewise, you can convey the same to your spouse. These are give-and-take steps to save a marriage; they are very crucial to let the harmony continue in your marriage. A selfish attitude tends to kill the joy out of the marriage. A married couple must take time to understand each other and watch out for signs or hints left by the spouse on certain matters. Picking up on these hints and signs adds romance and mystery to the marriage which encourages healthy growth.

However, do not place too much expectation on your spouse which may cause him/her to feel pressured or inadequate if he/she does not meet up to your expectations. Do a self check if the expectations are reasonable and realistic. No one is perfect; hence to err is human, to forgive divine. It is not necessary to be right all the time. Every party is right in their own eyes; nobody is ever wrong in any argument unless there are facts. Hence, spouses should accept each other’s viewpoint and reasons. Everyone has their own way of working out things. Accepting your spouse’s differences is respect and that is a big deal for your spouse; it is a sign of approval. Every human being seeks approval from others to feel worthy and alive.

Author Bio: MORGAN JOHNS is the owner and operator of Source of information on the Steps to Save Marriage and visit my site for a Free 10 Step Mini Course to Help Save Your Marriage.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: steps to save marriage

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