How Does an E-Cig Work?

Have you ever questioned how an e-cig works? It\’s a simple idea, really, although it took modern science and a few smart minds to really get the idea off the ground.

Electronic cigarettes are a healthy substitute for tobacco smokers. First developed in 1965 by H. A. Gilbert, the e-cig concept never really gained much steam until the social public health agenda turned on smokers as more and more evidence came to light about the dangers of tobacco use. In 2003, a Chinese pharmacist named Hon Lik created the first effective e-cigarettes, and since 2004, people have been able to enjoy them all over the world.

Today, more than 500,000 people reportedly use e-cigarettes on a regular basis. This is because an e-cig produces only vapor, created by heating an organic compound called propylene glycol (the same stuff used in theatrical smoke machines). Propylene glycol has an extremely low toxicity, which means that it would be extremely hard to ingest a poisonous amount. Even frequent e-cig consumption falls far short of the levels needed to harm a human, and it passes quickly out of one\’s system so there\’s no need to be concerned about any harmful toxic build-up.

Compared to cigarettes and the viscous tars and resins left behind when tobacco is burned, electronic cigarettes are a safer and more pleasant way to get the same relaxing feeling that classic cigarettes deliver. One cartridge of the propylene glycol solution typically lasts about as long as a pack of cigs, but since they are replaceable and only cost about half the price of a pack, e-cigarettes take a load off of one\’s pocketbook. The initial purchase of the e-cig device might cost a little more, of course, but in the long term e-cigarettes save money.

One of the most malevolent dangers of smoking is second-hand smoke. Numerous studies have provided conclusive evidence that \”used\” cigarette smoke, once it\’s been inhaled and exhaled back out into the air, causes irreparable harm to those in proximity. That\’s just another of the many reasons that electronic cigarettes are poised to bring the tobacco companies to their knees. In addition, the vapor released from propylene glycol doesn\’t blemish teeth, clothes, furniture, or fingers. With only a few exceptions, e-cigarettes can typically be consumed even in areas where regular cigarettes are banned.

Due to the inherent risks involved with smoking, most smokers are trying (or will try soon) to kick their filthy habit. And they should. Emphysema, cancer, and strokes are just a few of the many health concerns that smokers need to keep their mind on. E-cigarettes, however, relieve all of these concerns. Some makers of electronic cigarettes also put a small dose of nicotine into the solution to help smokers cope with their nicotine cravings when using an e-cig to quit.

Studies show that almost everyone who quits smoking does so more than once. If you\’re looking for a smoking cessation program, think about using electronic cigarettes to help curb your cravings.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: E-Cig

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