How DUI Affects Your Future

Everyone makes mistakes, but there are some that can cause permanent harm. Even after any bruises have healed and any fines have been paid, you may still be living with the consequence of your mistake. Sometimes these consequences, in the long run, turn out positively. For instance, if you accidentally get pregnant before you feel you are ready, you initially may be terrified. Over time though, as your child grows and life works itself out, you may begin to see how the mistake was a blessing. However, not all mistakes are like this. Some are not even this serious, but still have long-term consequences. Others may be decisions you make in a split second that change your life forever. This is the case with drunk driving. If you are caught drunk driving or you cause an accident because you operate a car while under the influence, you will need a DUI attorney or a DUI lawyer. However, even if you have quality representation; you might still be dealing the lifelong consequences of the mistake.

Those who are in their teens when they commit their drunken driving offense will find that it can have a negative effect on their college entrance process. It may also affect their extra-curricular activities, which in term can damage one’s chances of getting into college. Most people have a two-year period before starting college that they are licensed to drive. In this time, it is illegal for them to drink, but some do. When these activities are combined, it can have fatal consequences. Even those who escape the event without harming anyone seriously will find the crime they committed may have a lasting effect on their life.

If you are older adult and have a full-time job when you made a bad decision driving drunk, it can have a negative effect on your career. Though many companies will accept the fact that nobody is perfect and as long as the accident did not create a lot of bad press, they will look the other way if it was done on personal time. However, if your job requires you to operate a vehicle, a drunken driving incident may result in the immediate loss of your job.

Though not as devastating, a drunken driving incident is going to affect your insurance costs. Vehicle insurance is already expensive and if you get a ticket, the price goes up. When the offense is as serious as drunk driving, you may see a sharp rise in your insurance cost because insuring you has become a big risk for the insurer. With all the other costs involved in an arrest or an accident, higher insurance premiums are the last thing you need.

In addition to having to pay more for insurance, you might also find your license completely revoked. This means you will not even have the means to get from one location to another on your own. You will have to inconvenience your loved ones, who already may be disappointed in your actions, or use public transportation which can be expensive and inconvenient.

Author Bio: Penny Lane learned quite a bit about the merits of hiring a great attorney when she spent a day with a well respected Mason DUI attorney helping to make their practices more efficient. She hired a Mason DUI lawyer to represent her son.

Category: Legal
Keywords: Mason DUI attorney,Mason DUI lawyer

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