How I Built My Muscles

I’m the youngest of 6 brothers. I have always been an active and skinny child. Whatever my mother did, she couldn’t make me gain weight. After some time she gave up. Even if I eat what two or three people eat normally I don’t gain weight. When my parents took me to doctor about this so called problem, he told us that I had a very fast metabolism and I would be a skinny person all my life. I can’t say I complain about it. I will never be fat and you must be thinking that I would never search the Internet to learn how to get a six pack. This is where you are wrong.

I’m skinny not muscled. In the first 30 years of my life I never knew what a muscle was. I was made up of skin and bones and nothing in between. If you knew me, you wouldn’t want to hug me because of my bones. They always got in the way. Even my father and mother didn’t take me to their laps because of my bones. When I grew up to be a teenager I became very popular among girls. However my popularity came to a bitter end when one of the girls saw me with my shirt off. I told you about that hugging problem didn’t I? Maybe if she didn’t try to hug me I would get away with it but no, she hugged me and later told all about my bones to her friends.

That’s how I decided to have muscles. Since I couldn’t have a fat layer to be a cushion for the girls, I would have beautiful muscles. I started pushups and sit ups; I bought dumbbells and worked out every night. Unfortunately my skin was not turning into muscles. You can’t build what you don’t have and I didn’t have muscles to build.

I learned later that there are special diets to literally build muscles. I won’t use the word building about my muscles because first I had to grow them. Anyway, I started to eat food with high protein. I was also getting supplements with amino acids and other things to grow my muscles. It took a couple of years for me to grow enough muscles to start to build them. Then I started a very serious exercise regimen. I was spending 3, sometimes 4 hours a day in the gym trying to build my muscles.

First my biceps came and my abs followed them. Because I didn’t have even an inch of fat in my body, I had eight pack abs instead of six pack. They say eight pack is the perfection in abs. I say it is another anomaly caused by my abnormally fast metabolism. Though, I’m not complaining. Those girls who ran away from my bones have grown up and they are fighting to get a piece of my eight pack abs now. I started to work out to learn how to get a six pack and I ended up with an eight pack. If they say “some guys have all the luck”, don’t believe them. Those guys make their own lucks.

Author Bio: Next, find out more about how to get a six pack in the best specialized website available on such delicate topic.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: how to get a six pack

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