How Our Shoes Are Crippling Us

Back problems occur in a large portion of the population. Muscle sprains, aching backs from overwork, or lifting improperly cause much of mankind\’s back pain miseries. Most people are then surprised when they go to their doctor for back and leg pain only to discover that the shoes they wear are causing the problems. Improper footwear can lead to all kinds of medical problems including back pain and even foot surgery. This is especially true of ladies shoes.

The Worst of The Worst

High heels are one of the leaders when it comes to causing other medical problems. Podiatrists recommend heels no higher than two inches. Many pointed heel high heels are much higher than that, cause damage to the calf and the lower back. Worse yet is what it does to the foot itself. Wearing spike high heels bends the foot in an unnatural position, which takes the use of the Achilles tendon out of the step. The tendon can then shorten, causing tendonitis. Achilles Tendonitis is extremely painful and is an injury from which it is extremely hard to recover.

No Support At All

Both men and women are falling prey to the flip-flop. While shoes do not come with a warning, perhaps spike heels and flip-flops should. Flip-flops and certain styles of sandals provide no support for the foot at all. They are not designed for sports much less for jogging or walking for any kind of distance, yet people are wearing them all day long and causing damage that they do not realize yet. Eventually, fallen arches, and other non-supported problems will occur if flip flops are worn for too long of a period.

Other Problems

When we wear shoes that do not support our feet or that provide the wrong kind of support, the muscles in our back and the back of our legs adjust to try to do some of the work a well-supported shoe would do were we wearing them. When muscles do jobs that they are not designed to do, you have pain. There is also a danger of those back muscles doing their normal jobs properly, which could affect the way we walk and the proper alignment of our spine. Some of the injuries and illnesses caused by prolonged wear of improper shoes are:

Plantar Fasciitis
Achilles Tendonitis
Nerve damage and pain
Hammer toes (with pointed toe spikes)
Back pain
Muscle pain
Poor Spinal Alignment
Heart problems (secondary to medications for primary concerns)
Other problems

Cardio Complications

Pointed toe shoes can cause a misalignment of the bones in our feet and can lead to plantar fasciitis and surgery. Hammertoe and other damage can cause the nerves in the foot to flare up. Nerve pain is very hard to control even with pain medication. People with a history or heart problems cannot afford to be taking neurological pain medication. Not even a CPR Certification Specialist would be able to help them should complications arise from that.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our Blood Borne Pathogens Training website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: painful injuries ,CPR Certification ,Podiatrists,Muscle sprains,Back problems ,Cardio Complications

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