How to Detoxify Your Liver Naturally

Feeling moody, bloated, or depressed? It might have something to do with the health of your liver. Liver is certainly one of the most important organs of our body, with its main function being detoxification. But as we all need break, our liver, too, needs detoxification, and there is no better way to achieve it then doing it naturally.

Our liver works overtime to free our blood from toxins so that they do not reach other parts of our body. We increase the work of our liver every time we consume processed fatty food or drink alcohol. It is also the responsibility of our liver to separate harmful chemicals from the air we breathe and filter toxins from the water we drink.

Liver also prepares our body to fight infections and boosts our energy levels. Liver flushes out toxins by acting as a filter for our blood, neutralizes fat soluble toxins by mixing it with cholesterol to form bile, and breaks down harmful toxins by releasing enzymes.

Therefore, to assist in proper working of this busy organ, regular detoxification of liver is important.

Signs You Need To Detoxify Your Liver:
Sudden weight gain, dull hair or severe hair fall, crack in finger nails, dry skin, and other allergic reactions are a warning signal that our liver needs detoxification. As liver has the property of repairing itself back to health, it is tough to detect any problem in liver until it gets 80% damaged. Therefore, it is in our hands to identify these early symptoms of trouble and take corrective measures.

Tips To Detoxify Your Liver Naturally:
If you want your liver to perform all its tasks effectively, and then eat a healthy diet, comprising various types of vegetables that provide different kinds of nutrients. The best gift you can give to your liver is to follow these steps to ensure good liver health:

– Fibrous diet to prepare it for toxin fight: Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables that are rich sources of fiber. The fiber binds itself to the bile present in our large intestine and flushes it out of our body. This is certainly the best way to free your body of fat soluble toxins. Fibrous diet also helps improving our digestive system and prevents constipation, which may otherwise act as a hindrance to the liver cleansing process.

– Rainbow colored food to improve your liver’s mood- Doctors recommend a wide array of food groups in your diet, which will provide your body with different nutrients. The best way to protect your liver is to have a diet rich in Vitamin B,C and E, beta carotene, and traces of mineral and calcium

– Proper hydration removes liver’s poison- The simplest and most effective natural remedy for liver cleansing is consuming 8-10 glasses of water daily, which will help our body get rid of toxins. The best method of liver detoxification is to drink a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice in an empty stomach in the morning. Replacing your normal cup of tea and coffee with antioxidant rich ginger and green tea can help liver cleansing.

Lastly, you can make your very own homemade liver tonic by mixing a tablespoon of virgin olive oil with three tablespoon of lemon juice and two teaspoon of garlic oil. Mix it with a glass of water and drink it once a day before any major meal to help the cleansing process of your liver.

– Fasting under medical supervision for liver cleansing-To heal your liver and for faster waste elimination, fasting for a day is the best remedy. However, if you suffer from other medical ailments, it is better to consult your doctor before fasting

Detoxify your liver and nurse it back to good health using these natural remedies.

Author Bio: Health writer at

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: liver

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