How To Get A Six Pack

There are two kinds of six pack. One of them prevents us from having the second. Or we can rather say if we have too much of the first, it hides the second. Of course you realized what I’m talking about. Beer is the worst enemy of six pack abs. If you want to know how to get a six pack “abswise” you must forget about getting beer six packs.

Beer is the oldest alcoholic beverage consumed by men and women. First the starch in the grains turn to sugar, and then the yeast start to eat the sugar producing alcohol. If we look at the process of making beer we can see that everything in this drink has very high calorie levels. Beer is also one of the lightest drinks in its alcohol concentration if we compare it with other alcoholic beverages. Therefore most people don’t consume just a couple of beers. They consume large quantities and the calories add up. After consuming alcohol the body feels tired and people don’t like to be active. When we combine this effect with the high levels of calories we get fats in our body. One of the first places fat is stored in the bodies of men is the belly. In women fat is stored primarily in the thighs and then in the belly. That is the reason we see lots of men with big bellies and lots of women with “not so big” bellies. We don’t want to hurt the feelings of ladies so we won’t write more about their thighs.

The belly with excess fat is also called pot belly or beer belly however not all the people with beer belly drink beer because beer is only one of the reasons of having an unhealthy, large belly. Life style is one of the major causes of beer belly. Most of us are working in offices. We are using elevators to go up and down in multi storey buildings. We have our cars to go from one place to another. We don’t exercise enough in our daily life. When we combine this with fast food, beer and other useless nutrition we take, we build fats in our belly instead of muscles.

To get rid of our excess fat and replace it with healthy and strong muscles we must first change our life style and choice of drinks. Waking up one hour earlier and walk or run in the mornings would improve our posture while letting us start the day fresh and happy. While our body consumes energy, our brain secretes serotonin which is a hormone that is also known as happiness hormone. We must also give up fast food and start to change our diet with food with more fibers. Fibers make us feel full preventing us to eat more than enough. Fibers also don’t turn into fat. When we start to consume more energy, our body turns to its reserves that are stored in our belly as fats. This is the perfect first step to learn how to get a six pack. Once we take that first step we would never want to turn back.

Author Bio: Next, find out more about how to get a six pack in the best specialized website available on such delicate topic.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: how to get a six pack

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