How to Increase Vertical Jump

Most people are looking for a way to increase their vertical jump and someone to teach them how to increase vertical jump. One of the secrets of adding more inches to your vertical jump is to strengthen your legs. Here are some easy steps that you can take to increase your vertical jump.

1. Warm up your muscles first by doing some stretching exercises. Your main focus should be on stretching your legs. This will build your muscle fibers and make it easier for you to jump higher.

2. Run up stairs with your toes. You should walk down back after each run. Your toes are important in jumping. They are what propel you upwards. There is no doubt about this because it is the last part of your legs that leaves the ground after jumping.

3. While learning how to increase vertical jump, make sure you completely understand each exercise before moving on to another. Jumping involves using power. Don\’t just use a little power and expect yourself to jump very high. If you want to learn how to increase vertical jump you should use full power while jumping.

4. Work on your quad muscles through squat exercises. The movements involved in squat exercises are similar to jumping. This is one of the first exercises that you should be performing before any other training when learning how to increase vertical jump. Go down as low as possible when performing this exercise. You have a good chance of increasing your vertical jump when you squat at least 1.5 times your body.Single-leg squats are one of the most effective of these exercises and they can help you learn how to increase your vertical jump even further. This is based on the fact that vertical jumps usually require someone jumping off one leg.

With single-leg squats, you will be able to build the strength required to increase your vertical jump.
When squating, focus on pushing yourself upward as fast as you can after the lowering phase.

5. Perform deep knee bends by slowly bending your knees while standing and keeping your back straight in the process. Crouch down as low as you can and rise back up slowly. This exercise should be repeated several times.

6. Perform deep knee bend jumps by crouching down while standing. It should be a bit quicker than in the deep knee bend. Crouch until your bottom is almost touching the ground. Make sure you perform this exercise if you want to succeed in learning how to increase vertical jump. While in that position, explode upwards with full force. Remember that jumping requires power as mentioned above. While landing, crouch and jump again with even more power. Repeat this exercise several times.

If you want to learn how to increase vertical jump, assess yourself and discover the strength you have and your ability. This is essential if you want to get more out of these exercises. A person with a lower ability should put in much higher effort while learning how to increase vertical jump than an intermediate person.

Author Bio: If you want more exercises and more ideas on How to Increase Vertical Jump, visit us NOW and get your FREE e-book \”how to jump higher in 45 minutes\” at How to Increase Vertical Jump! CLICK HERE for your free copy!

Category: Sports
Keywords: how to increase vertical jump,increase vertical jump,increase your vertical jump,how to jump higher

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