How to Live Your Life in the Now

What’s the best way to live your life? It’s actually doing so in the present moment. After all, what can you certainly do with the past? Everything is done and over with. What can you do with the future? You can never guarantee it.

However, you may be one of those who are struggling living in the now. You are constantly worried about the next bills to pay or what’s going to happen in the remaining months while constantly haunted by the mistakes you did a few years ago. What happens is you find yourself very much stressed, and you never get to give yourself a chance to enjoy what’s in store for you today.

Living in the present moment requires a lot of practice, but it’s certainly achievable. Think of the following ideas:

Get rid of the to-do list. If you want to live in the present, then you might as well throw away the planners and the checklists. Just allow whatever it is that’s going to happen to occur and deal with it as it comes. The problem with planners and lists is you tend to anticipate the future, and it makes you so worried if you cannot accomplish the things you’ve listed.

Take deep breaths. Do you know that breathing helps you get in touch with the now? Here’s what you can do: Close your eyes for a few moments. Remove all the clutter you have in mind. Now take a deep breath. Inhale the air. Focus on the movement of the air to your nose and into your lungs and diaphragm. Then slowly bring the air out of the body, through your mouth. Now feel as your lungs and diaphragm begin to completely relax.

While you’re doing it, you can listen or speak of subliminal messages. Subliminal messages can be extremely powerful especially if you give them the authority to dominate not just your subconscious but also your conscious mind. Some of the subliminal messages you can utilize are these:

I am living in the now.
I focus myself in the present moment.
I desire to live in the present.
I forego of the past and the future.
I embrace today with all my soul and mind.

Forgive. Let go of the past by forgiving the people who hurt you and yourself for allowing the bad things to happen in your life. By forgiving, you are also releasing the negative emotions such as hate, anger, pain, and hurt.

Accept the reality. The reality says you cannot control the future. You can definitely plan, but that doesn’t guarantee anything. Simply put, you should not sweat on the future, when you know you really cannot predict the outcome. Just learn to enjoy the ride of today.

Surround yourself with positive people. Positive people are usually happy people. They do anticipate the future, but they don’t allow it to control how they live their lives today. They don’t whine or complain about the past. You can learn a lot from them.

Author Bio: Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online. Click
Here Now for 4 Free Subliminal Messages Video Downloads (valued at $160)!

Category: Self Help
Keywords: Subliminal Messages, Free Subliminal Messages videos

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