I Can’t See My Feet

In fact I can see my feet if I am lying down but when I’m standing I can’t see my feet. I realized this fact a few months ago. I had always been in peace with myself and with my body. I never looked at the mirror to find imperfections. However to be in peace with yourself also has a down side as I learned a few months ago. When you don’t look for imperfections, you also may miss some things that are not healthy. Okay, I won’t lie to you; I couldn’t care less about health. When I’m ill I go to a doctor, take my medication and get well. When I’m healthy, I’m healthy. I don’t eat so called healthy food. I don’t exercise regularly. I just live my life without worries and without caring too much about problems I can’t solve like war in the Middle East. This, “not being able to see my feet when standing” problem must be solved because for the first time in my live I don’t like what I see in the mirror and I must start to flatten belly to return to my happier days when I could see my dear feet.

When I talk to people about this belly of mine they say that it is beer belly and if I stop drinking beer I would lose my belly fats. I don’t drink beer for God’s sake. Beer may be the oldest alcoholic beverage in the world and my parents may have drunk gallons of it before and after I was born but I never liked its taste, I hated its smell and I can’t even stand 5 seconds in lager houses or pubs. I gave up beer when I was 5 years old. I drank all the half filled bottles from previous nights’ party and had the worst day of my life and the worst hangover the day after. It was something like conditioning of dogs I think. I could never drink beer after that. So what is the matter with my belly?

After I talked to some specialists I learned that every excess calorie I consume goes to my belly as fat. Now the easiest way to get rid of the belly fat is liposuction. They drill a hole in your belly and suck all the fat. You wish! There is a limit to how much fat they can suck in one seance and after they suck your fats you still look bloated because it takes about 6 months for your muscles to find their proper places. That is of course if you don’t replace the fat that was sucked from your body in 6 months. Add narcosis, operation costs and some minor risks endangering your life to this and I gave up liposuction.

My “flatten belly” adventure has just started. I am checking my options right now. There are exercises and special fat burning diets. I may even consider pills but I don’t want to lose my health just to see my feet again. We’ll see what I will do.

Author Bio: Next, find out more about how to flatten your belly in the best specialized website available on such delicate topic.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: flatten belly

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