Importance of Admission Essay Writing and How to go About It


Admission essay is one of the most important articles you will ever write when entering your professional life. As the name suggests it is required fro the admission in a high school, college, university or to get a job in any reputed organization. Following are some of the facts that you ought to know why an admission essay is so important and how to go about it.

Importance of Admission Essay

Admission essay is not just another essay that you have to write. And you cannot take it casually either. This piece of paper alone will determine in the eyes of school or college authorities how much you have gain during your previous studies, what is your mental level, are you the one that handle pressures like anything and are you the one that candidate who is really deserving for the seat you are so hardly aspiring for?

Admission essay is also important for getting the right job, your dream one. Companies and organizations do require an admission essay from the candidates as they want to know how is that person really is. This little essay, as you may think, will be hugely responsible for your bright future with that one company that you are aiming to get in for so long.

Contents of Admission Essay

Do not take admission essay as something of a do or die situation and not able to achieve it, you are dead as a doorknob. There is no need to panic in this regard. Its content may be a little different with all the essays you have written so far, but if you ponder slightly you will fine that it is not that difficult to write it. You can mention all your previous achievement, certificates, detail of extra curricular activities, social service and all other notable feats that you can think of. Just don’t overwrite the section. Try to be concise and summarize the part that you think will consume a lot of space.

In most cases, the admission essay will be enough of one page length i.e. approximately 450-500 words. But if you want to add something more, be cautious not to write anything repetitive, as we have mentioned previously that you don’t need to write everything about your life, just the accomplishments and summarize your thoughts that why you want to take admission in that particular institution.

The job admission essay is not entirely different from admission essay, just the fact that in job admission essay you have to sound a lot mature than an average college going person. You have to write something about your previous job and why you left it or planning to leave. Your notable achievements during the tenure and targets that you successfully met are also a part of this essay.


Finally, treat this as a very important step in achieving your goals, that is an admission in a college / university or a job in a prestigious organization, but do not overburden yourself in writing an admission essay. Remember abundance of anything is not good, so try to connote your introduction, achievements and desire to be admitted in as simple and effective way as possible.

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Category: Education
Keywords: term papers, essays, research papers, thesis, dissertation, book report

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