Industrial Glass Varieties

The substance of glass typically evokes thoughts of windows, figurines, or other types of art. But the aesthetic value of glass is just one of its qualities. Glass actually possesses a number of features that make it ideal for various aspects of manufacturing and industry. These industrial glasses actually come in different varieties, each specially created to offer a certain skill for a given job. Here is a look at some of these types and how they function in the industrial world.

Network glass is known for its lack of silicates which makes it rare amongst its peer. Its structure and lack of silicon allows it to conduct electricity. Due to its high level of conductivity, network glass is most commonly found in fiber optic structures. These flexible structures can transmit light and information far quicker and more efficiently than traditional copper wire.

Glass can also be created in the form of electrolytes. These ionic mixtures are super-cooled into structures of crystal glass. The actual chemistry is rather complicated, but the applications are of electrolytes is quite wide. A more common application of glass electrolytes comes in the form of rechargeable batteries. The ions present in the glass allow it to conduct electricity and actually store a certain amount of voltage.

The most interesting form of glass may occur when in the aqueous state. This glass is actually almost liquefied. Also known as sodium silicate, this substance is used in various cements, fire protection, and serves a number of roles for industrial purposes. Its ability to exist as a liquid but quickly become a solid gives it a number of interesting applications, including the ability to repair metals, serve as a sealant, and quickly encompass dangerous materials or even fire.

One of the most modern forms of glass that is newly emerging is the glassy metal. Glassy metal is produced through rapid cooling. This glass can be sized to any surface area and as thing as the aluminum foil that can be purchased from the local grocery store. However, compared to that aluminum foil, the glass is much more resilient. In fact, it actually is able to withstand a great deal of force and tearing. The expense of this type of glass leaves its widespread commercial application still in question, but it appears to serve as a long term replacement for various types of film, wires, and plastic parts (due to its ability to be molded).

With such a broad and modern selection of types, states, and applications, it is clearly time to expand the colloquial definition of glass. A drinking cup and window pane are sufficient examples of glass only in how a Chihuahua would be a sufficient example of a dog. As humanity travels deeper into the twenty-first century, glass is only going to grow into more roles as we continue to find ways to change its structures, chemical compounds, and applying it in ways never before discovered. The aforementioned types are far from a complete list of glass types, which would far more room than I have here to describe. Nonetheless, hopefully this serves as a good example of how versatile and useful the substance is.

Author Bio: By Felix Chesterfield; If you would like to learn more about glass in industry, products such as glass lined reactors, please contact the author.

Category: Business
Keywords: Types of glass, network glass, glassy metal, liquid glass

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