Influence – Who Do You Take Advice From?

Influence is probably one of the most important characteristics to every successful person I know. Never underestimate the power of influence. Are you familiar with the saying \”its not what you know, but who you know.\”

I am sure each of you have evaluated the major influences in your life that have shaped the kind of person you are. If not, this should be high on your list. Give serious consideration to the people and thoughts you choose to allow into your life.

Peer pressure is powerful. If you\’re around people who spend all they make, or borrow money between paydays, chances are you\’ll develop those habits. If you enjoy being around people who want to sit daily, in front of the TV with a drink, chances are you will develop those habits. If you are around people who don\’t read, chances are excellent that you won\’t read either.

Influences need to be studied carefully if we intend for our lives to turn out the way we\’ve planned. So if you don\’t have the proper influence…then how or where do you find it?

Before I answer that question, take this simple test. The answers will help you take a serious look at your present influences and life choices.

* Who am I around?
* How are they affecting me?
* What am I listening to?
* What do I read?
* What have they got me doing with my free time?
* What do they have me thinking?
* How have they got me feeling?
* Which of these influences will help me achieve my dreams?
* Who is a positive, energizing influence?
* Who makes poor lifestyle choices?

You\’ve got to evaluate how others are influencing you, both negatively and positively. Are we allowing ourselves to become what we wish to be? It\’s easy to let influence shape our lives, and determine our direction.

What if you suddenly found yourself with no job, no income, a ton of bills, and a family you couldn\’t feed. How would you and your family handle that? Would failure become your option? We do not fail overnight. Failure is nothing more than a few bad errors in judgment repeated every day.

Once you have built the proper foundation, you will be able to overcome any obstacle. The pressure or stress would not become overwhelming to you. Don\’t allow a little problem like negative influence stop you from creating the success you KNOW you are capable of achieving.

So here\’s the answer(s) to the question. Search the internet for the solution. Take massive action, find a mentor and a coach based on your philosophy. You want to find a mastermind group of like-minded people who want YOU to succeed.

Do you want to make million\’s of dollars? Mastermind with millionaires. If you want to make $20,000 a year, then mastermind with people who make $20,000 a year.

You will learn simple disciplines to be practiced daily. Experience positive results in a very short period of time. Have you ever noticed that when we change our diet, not only does our health improve, you may even notice the added bonus of weight loss during this process.

You will also find the internet is the easiest place to help you build your dreams. If you are interested in building a business, why on earth would you listen to people who\’ve never done it?

You\’ve got to evaluate who you take advice from. Do you want success? Then you\’d better get your action plan from successful people.

Author Bio: Ida Wallace is a Network Marketer dedicated to helping others succeed in Internet & Network Marketing no matter what your experience level may be. Discover exactly how you can begin to generate 20-30 Leads every single day.

Category: Business
Keywords: influence, advice, peer pressure

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