Listen to Your Knee During an Injury Recovery

Our knees are one of the most delicate joints in our bodies and are also the most prone to injury, especially in the sports arena. The knee is particularly in danger of sprain to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. They are very easily sprained or even torn if the knee is over extended, which is surprisingly easy to do. The knee can be sprained by twisting it or moving the knee joint from side to side. The knee\’s shock absorber, called the Meniscus cartilage can become worn with age or over use, soften, and tear very easily. The kneecap is a thin piece of bone that seems to float in front of the joint. The kneecap can easily break or be dislocated.

Prevention Through Muscle strengthening

We can stretch and strengthen the muscles and ligaments that surround this delicate joint with exercises that include the muscles of the upper leg. This kind of strength training helps protect the knee by making it stronger and better able to withstand the punishment we put it through all our lives. As taught in HIPAA Compliance Training, make sure you warm up by walking before starting any leg exercises.

– Deep knee bends are not good for your knees and should be avoided.
– Never run downhill if it can be avoided. It increases the pressure of those jarring impacts on the knees.
– Wearing cleats is fine for the professional football players who know how to do it. You should never wear them. They are dangerous and can cause major damage.
– Supportive shoes are the best. See your foot doctor for the best kind of shoes for your feet.
– Jarring motions or exercises that repeat jarring motions on your knees should be avoided.
– The heavier you are, the worse exercise is on your knees. Watch your diet and keep your weight in check.


Immobilize any knee injury and rest your leg. This is the most important part of the beginning of any recuperative knee injury regimen. Begin RICE…

– Rest Do not put weight on the injured leg. Use crutches or a wheel chair only. Keep that leg elevated
– Ice Apply ice packs 10 to 15 minutes every hour for two hours, and then leave ice off for the next two hours. You can do this for 48 hours or until all swelling is gone. Never apply heat to swelling.
– Compress Always wear support in the form of an elastic bandage. Wrap securely by do not cut off circulation.
– Elevate Keep that injured knee above heart level, especially when apply your ice packs.

RICE Is an Important Part Of Recovery

Rice means Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate and is the best way to treat a sprain or other injury to the knee. Never ignore knee pain. This means that you should not do anything that causes any pain in the injured knee. You may need to use a cane for a while once you are off the crutches. The knee takes its time in healing but it is well worth the wait. Your knee knows better than you when it is ready to move on to the exercise stage so listen up and pay attention to any pain signals it sends you.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our HIPAA Privacy Rule website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: injured knee,HIPAA Compliance ,Injury,HIPAA Privacy Rule

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