Men\’s Weight Training

Most guys are now concerned about maintaining a good physique; that\’s why they get into weight training for men. But if you are a beginner, it sometimes too frustrating to start. There are just lots of questions and confidence issues that need to be dealt with to guarantee success. Most people ask if diet would be enough. Well, most probably it would, but if you really want to be healthier and for your body to look a lot better, then exercising with proper diet will be the right path to take.

Probably the first question that comes to mind when it comes to men\’s weight training is, \”what exercises should I do to begin with?\” There are two groups of exercises that need to be performed, the main exercises and the accessory exercises. The main exercises include squat, bench press, dead lift, power clean, press and rows. The accessory exercises include abdominals, arms, dips, back extensions, pull-ups or chin ups. Now, there are lots of videos in the internet where you can check out how these exercises are done, so better check them out since it\’s better if you see how it\’s done yourself rather than reading its description.

Scheduling your program is very important when it comes to men\’s weight training. Ideally, it would be better if you can train three times a week with a rest day in between. Rest is essential because muscles grow not while you\’re training but while your muscles are at rest. Group the exercises into two like exercise 1 and exercise 2. Your exercise 1 will consist of squat, bench press and dead lift. Your exercise 2 will include squat, military press and pendlay rows. You will then do these alternately within the week. So for example, during your first day of training you\’ll do exercise 1, second day you\’ll do exercise 2 and third day you\’ll do exercise 1 back. On your second week of training, start with exercise 2 and so on until you finish your training for the week.

Next question that comes to mind when it comes to men\’s weight training is, \”how many sets and repetition should I do?\” It would be best if you start with the 5×5 program. This just means that you\’ll do 5 sets with 5 repetitions. You might be asking if it would be more efficient to do more repetitions. Well, the thing is there is a study conducted that you lift more efficient on your first five lifts. Meaning, the form and intensity is not as much when it comes to the succeeding repetitions. So when you\’re starting, don\’t be in a rush, make sure you lift in a proper form with these number repetitions and ensure that you progress with the weight of what you\’re lifting.

When it comes to men\’s weight training, taking notes is every important so that you can check how you are progressing especially if you\’re just starting. You can alter the routines after five or six weeks if you feel bored of doing the same thing but make sure it still includes the main exercises and then add the accessory exercises with them. Consistency is very important since this requires focus, although of course it would be a much better experience if you learn to enjoy what you\’re doing.

Last thing to keep in mind is that weight training is a work in progress. So be patient. It can\’t be done overnight so don\’t try to rush things and just enjoy because at the end of the day, you\’ll feel so much elated when people notice your improvement. As they say, no pain, no gain.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weight training,accessory exercises,main exercises,accessory exercises include

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