More Style and Comfort With Layering

Many very successful fashion looks have been achieved through the efforts and the effects of layering. Layering does not simply mean piling on as many clothes as possible, but instead layering consists of the strategic choices of fabrics, patterns, other materials, and accessories worn on top of each other in order to create a well-designed and thought-out look. The layers are like the layers of a cake. Each one should be chosen and be properly placed to contribute to the character of the other layers above and below them.

Layering is especially fun in the winter months because it provides not only opportunities for expression, but also opportunities for adding extra warmth on those colder days. Layering gives more warmth than having a single layer of clothes no matter how thick the single layer is, because the addition of a slight amount of air between the layers, on a microscopic level, creates as greater deal of insulation.

That is why in winter months, in very cold climates, it is an exceptional strategy to wear long undergarments under a flannel shirt, covered by a sweater, and top it all off with a strong winter jacket. But layering also works in warmer climates and warmer times of year. The difference is that the materials are thinner in warmer climates, even sheer, and cut to expose more of the skin.

Layering is about exposure of what is above and also what is below. Just covering up is not the point. If no one can see that you are wearing a sheer undergarment, then you will not get the effect of layering. Although it may feel quite comfortable to wear layers, the idea with layering is to also reveal a piece of what is underneath. That is the excitement that you can generate because if you just give a tiny sneak peak of what is worn under one another, you cause the curiosity of the mind to set in.

Think of this combination as an example: a white coat, over a burnished tan cashmere sweater, that reveals only a tiny slice of the collars of a deep maroon shirt, with just a touch of gold necklace exposed from the neck dangling down on the chest. The idea is to be subtle so we are not talking about having your shirt open to your navel, and wearing gold jewelry that looks like you just robbed a pawn shop. Just using the combination of fabric, colors, and materials to excite the eye.

Layering also works with your pants legs. In the most elegant classic fashions the exposure of the sock and the ability to see the pants, then the socks, and then the shoes with all of them being in very complimentary colors is another good example of layering. Collars are of course the easiest to layer and you have three layers automatically when you are wearing a shirt, vest (or sweater) and a suit jacket.

You add a fourth when you add the tie. Have some fun thinking about layers and building your layered look. You will start to see your clothes in a new way by looking at which ones work with others as an underlayment or an over-layer.

Author Bio: Pohl is a writer for mens fashion advice articles and style tutorials. He also manages several online retailers including – a store for Mens Silk Ties, bow ties, cufflink sets, dress code advice, tips on How to tie a tie, and more.

Category: Advice
Keywords: comfortable mens fashion,fashion layoring,mens ties

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