Movie Download Software Reviews

After working with movie and TV download sites for a few years, I know what makes a good Movie download site, and I know what separates the good sites from the poor ones. In this evolving industry there is such a variance in quality it becomes very important to choose the site that really works.

As a traveling businessman, I don\’t have time to stop and rent the latest movie. Being on the road most of the time means that I need my movies on the go. To help I have turned to Movie and TV download sites that allow you to watch you favorite shows or movies right on your PC. These services allow me to pay a small fee and download as many movies or shows as I want. The thing with these sites is that there is such a huge variation in quality that it makes it difficult to choose the right one. With that, let\’s first talk about what these sites are and what they are not.

First, a movie download site is NOT the answer to get all of the latest blockbuster movies. Some of them will have most of the newer movies available, but they won\’t have them all of them.

Second, NOT everyone needs a movie or TV download site. If you don\’t have high speed Internet you\’ll have trouble using one anyway.

Third, a movie and TV download site is a great way to get your favorite movies, music, or TV shows for only the cost of a small yearly or monthly membership fee.

Fourth, if you don\’t take the time to choose the right download service you will be wasting both your time and your money. The good services will get you the content you want quickly. With the poorer services though, you\’ll be lucky to find any of the content you want.

To help, along with a few friends, we took the time to evaluate the top Movie and TV download sites on the web today. We based our evaluations on the following criteria

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