Prep Sport Junk Talk Done Right

We all know who that kid is. You learn real early not to throw any insults his or her way because you’re just awaking the beast and it’s going to smack you over the head with verbal ferocity. Throw out the occasional call about his goofy shoes and before you’re done, he’s rattle off three different places he taken your mom on a date to and how he thought she was a cheap tipper. You’re stunned for a minute and sit there slack jawed. That didn’t go well as your peers quickly jump on the obvious victor’s bandwagon and offer additional tweaks and barbs at your expense. You learn the lesson very early, don’t mess with someone’s who has learned the Art of Junk Talk and the silvery tongue has no better arena to spit venom than with prep sports. Creativity welcomed Here.

So let’s go through a few pointers…some paint by numbers towards “the Art”. First of all, don’t go cliche. Look, if you’re starting with “2 4 6 8” then it’s probably best to just remain silent and pantomime. The number counting routine was only cool in elementary school. You need to step up your game and it’s best to avoid tired slogans, chants, and chats. This goes for the “Go Home”‘s, “D Fence”, and the like. Okay..maybe they’re a warm up just to get the pipes moving and keep the moving parts clean (thank you Van Halen) but you can rest on those laurels. Be specific. Something that directly relates to the other high school football team. That brings up to point 2.

You want a chant, chat, or slogan to hit home. For example, I was just at a basketball team and the other team was a wealth prep school The public school had a few chants and chats at the Weekly Faceoff on such as “Go Home Rich Kids”. That’s a little better but still pretty marginal. The Prep School response however, was even better. “You’re dads work for our dads”. Whether it was true or appropriate, it was really funny and you could see all the heads in the gym looking to the person next to them with the “WHAT did the say??”. That’s what you need when talking junk. People should literally stop what they’re doing to re-read, re-listen. Every school has some baggage. I don’t care if it’s Mater Dei or Compton. There’s some grist to be found at any high school sport game in the U.S. and your goal is to find it, heighten it, and repackage it in funny. Obviously, don’t go for jugular. Hitting someone when they’re down has the opposite effect.

As the prep sport school channel’s progress, we’ll be watching for the zingers people come up with and we encourage you to email them to us so we can keep a running list of best and worst calls. What amazes us is just how creative our prep sport community is. The crazy players and fans will come up with junk talk that makes us simultaneously blush and laugh. Message received. Success.

Author Bio: Dennis Jarvis writes about the world of Prep Sports including high school sports such as high school football, basketball, and baseball.

Category: Sports
Keywords: high school sports,high school football,prep sports,junk talk,trash talking

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