Prep Sport Tradition

A big part of sports and especially high school sports is a sense of tradition. It\’s one of the reason we love prep sports. Look, the world is changing faster and faster all the time with the newest technology being replaced in months now. It\’s getting hard for parents to even understand what their kids are talking about which may be good for the kids but shows just how fast we change these days. That\’s one reason we love sports. It may ebb and flow but there\’s a sense of tradition…a sense of things not changing. A touch down is still a touchdown and it still counts as 6 points. The basic layout and flow of the game remains pretty intact in spite of receiver\’s gloves and offenses running the option. We all need a little patch of stable ground to stand on while everything shifts around us. High School sports offers us this in spade.s

The prep sports will change with time just like the Catholic church but it\’s a slow, methodic pace. One of the biggest changes would be the advent of the 3 point shot in basketball. The reason for the 3 point shot was sound and everyone is pretty happy with it. That\’s a case where a new tradition was created and it worked. The original reason was to space out the floor more by making defenses respect the outside shot more. Otherwise, there was a steady move towards more and more inside, post up play which tended to slow down the game. Big men are happy as well now that they have more spacing so everyone wins and the fans really win. Otherwise, what other big changes have occurred to the major sports. There have been some changes in football just for safety such as protecting against helmet spiking (tackling with the top part of the helmet or targeting the opponents helmet). Baseball\’s really slow to change and the game remains pretty much the same as 50 years ago. This is a testament to how great the original concept and game play of these games were to begin with.

You also have tradition that\’s specific to a given high school or program. Some schools have phenomenal high school sports programs year after year. You can say it\’s the coach or the players but there\’s also a sense of tradition built into the programs. You don\’t want to be that year or player who breaks the tradition so maybe you take it a little more seriously. There\’s also the tradition of rivalries. Who knows when it started or why. Some schools just have it out for each other on the sports field or court. Like the Jodes, it could go back to an altercation at a party over a girl back in the 70s but all you know is that when they\’re on the field, you\’re looking for heads to knock. That\’s tradition and it will continue long past your career at that school.

Maybe that\’s why we love tradition in our high school sports. It came before us and it will continue long past our taking the field. We\’re a part of something bigger than just us and just now. Prep sport tradition exist everywhere at some level. We haven\’t even gotten into Texas football. That\’s a whole new level.

Author Bio: Dennis Jarvis writes about the world of Prep Sports including high school sports such as high school football, basketball, and baseball.

Category: Sports
Keywords: prep sport tradition, high school sports, prep sports, high school sport tradition,sport traditions

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