Reasons Why You Should Teach Kids Self Defense

In the modern world, having confidence and the skills to stick up for yourself is becoming more and more important. This is true not just of adults, but also for children, who might be confronted with any number of dangers, from a schoolyard bully to a violent predator. Though no parent wants to think about their child\’s need to defend themselves, the truth is, it may become necessary.

If you want your kids to be prepared to handle such situations, self defense and martial arts classes are a great idea. Many recommend beginning these programs as early as possible. With physical bullying in schools on the rise, it is never too early to give your child these skills, which will carry them through to their adult life. Here are five reasons to teach your children self defense moves:

1. Fitness and exercise. Practicing martial arts is great exercise. It\’s best to start the habit of exercising early in your child\’s life, which will make it easier for them to continue exercising as they grow up. With so much concern these days about kids who spend all day in front of TV and computer screens, getting your children up and moving is becoming even more important.

2. Discipline. Learning any martial art requires self discipline. A good instructor will help to instill these values. For example, kids\’ martial arts classes often include an element of ignoring name-calling and other provocation from classmates. This will serve them well as they grow up.

3. Respect. Self defense and martial arts have long been known for teaching respect for one another. Even though these classes teach physical moves that could be interpreted as violent, in fact the basis of self defense traditions is respect and avoiding violence unless necessary. Often, parents notice that their children seem to have a new sense of respect after attending a self defense school.

4. Confidence. Knowing how to defend oneself provides a significant feeling of empowerment and self confidence. Learning martial arts is likely to improve your child\’s self esteem, making them more outgoing and confident when dealing with others. Even if the actual martial arts moves learned in class cannot be used in a real-life scenario, martial arts instructors work on instilling confidence in their students.

5. Social skills. Practicing martial arts in a competitive class environment gives your child the chance to develop great social skills. For younger children, this includes things like taking turns and being polite whether they win or lose a competition. This is a very interactive activity that is sure to teach your child a lot about working together.

Martial arts and self defense classes are not all about learning how to fight. Instead, this is a way for your child to gain the lifelong skills they\’ll need to be able to defend themselves calmly and confidently, should the need arise. If you are worried about your child needing to defend themselves against a violent or potentially violent attacker, this is one of the tools available.

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