Remarriage: How to Go About It

You’ve done this before, but now it seems like you’re prepared to go through the same road again. You’re ready to be remarried after a divorce or two. Nevertheless, there will always be some questions hovering your mind such as “How do you I go about this?” “Can I guarantee this will last for a lifetime?”

Here are some tips you can keep in mind when you’re going through a remarriage:

1. Settle whatever issues you have first. Keep in mind that you’re going to get married to another guy. You cannot bring the same issues to this new life. Thus, before you even decide to get married, settle all the pressing issues with your ex-partner first. Perhaps there are still pent-up emotions you have not let go. You want to make sure that your ex-partner will still be around for the sake of the kids (if you both have them).

2. Talk to people concerned. When you and your previous partner separated, it’s not only the two of you who felt the pain. Your children, friends, and other family members may have gone through the same ordeal. It’s highly likely that some of them have not got over the pain and hurt and would therefore feel disappointment and even indifference with your decision to get married.

Make sure you can talk things over to the persons concerned. At the end it will still be your decision, but your decision should also take into account other people’s emotions.

3. Discuss your apprehensions with your current partner. Let’s go back to the question: Can I guarantee this will last for a lifetime? The truth is there are no guarantees, and this sadly leaves a lot of room for possibilities, including an end in marriage. This may leave you anxious and scared over the impending marriage.

If you feel these types of emotions, make sure you can discuss them to your future husband. There’s no other person who can make you feel more secure than him. Who knows, he may also have the same thoughts. It would be nice to find yourselves reassuring each other.

4. Mediate. Does it seem like your mind is cluttered with so many things? You may want to take some time to meditate? Meditating helps you feel relaxed and focused on the now. You can also use it to plant subliminal messages into your subconscious. You can try the following subliminal messages:

I am ready to fall in love again.
I am preparing myself to this new marriage.
I am confident this is going to be a better marriage for me.
I am confident of this relationship.

These subliminal messages can ward off the negative thoughts and emotions. Instead of the doubts and fears, you can allow love, confidence, and trust to take over.

5. Know what you want. You’ve gone through it before, and it somehow failed. By now, you already have an idea of what works and what doesn’t in a marriage. Again, talk it over to your future husband. Be clear of your expectations.

Author Bio: Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online. Click Here Now for 4 Free Subliminal Messages Video Downloads (valued at $160)!

Category: Marriage
Keywords: Subliminal Messages, Free Subliminal Messages videos

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