The Perils of Pepper Spray

We all would want to protect ourselves from possible attackers and assailants and we have our own measures of doing it. Nowadays, there are many security gears and gadgets that are sold in shops. The pepper spray is among them and is the one commonly used as this is very convenient. However, just like any other non-lethal gears, this should still be handled with precaution. We will be discussing the ill effects of frequent exposure to pepper spray in this article.

What makes it powerful?

We may have the notion that pepper spray is just a sort of a minty spray and it cannot really cause any harm. For your information, the pepper spray has its potent substance called, Oleoresin capsicum. This is what makes the pepper spray powerful. This substance is actually a derivative of the hot chili pepper. Thus, it is indeed crucial that you get to know what a pepper spray really is and the potential harm it can bring. Remember, this is just not something bottled up in a fancy canister.

Exacerbation of Symptoms

Frequent exposure to it can actually lead to the inflammation of the oral and nasal mucosa. This is especially perilous to those who already have existing respiratory problems such as asthma and other chronic pulmonary obstructive diseases. This can further result to bronchoconsriction. When this cascade of events takes place, it would lead to a hypoxic state. This is because we already have difficulty in gasping for air. Thirty minutes of decreased oxygen circulation is already very detrimental to the body.

Skin Irritant

The substance in it is the reason why it is very irritating to the skin. If you are allergic to a hot chili then you will likely be allergic to it. If you have any history of pepper allergy you should be fretful the next time you get exposed to a large dose of it. In cases of direct contact, you should know how to perform the first aid. Washing the affected area with water is a big no because no matter how vigorous you do it, it would still be of no use. Oleoresin capsicum is not soluble in water. Finding another option such as applying lotions and creams is still of no benefit and makes matter worse instead. There are especially formulated wipes or to some, a baby shampoo, that can be effectively used.

Eye Irritant

This can really cause a burning sensation to the eyes. Other signs and symptoms would be pain, tearing and redness. As previously mentioned, this can cause an inflammatory reaction. The best approach in removing it is by way of crying. The tears have special substances that are effective in removing Oleoresin capsicum. There are also eye drops formulated for this specific use. At some worst scenarios, this can also cause temporary blindness that actually lasts for 30 minutes. Although this may be just temporary, the feeling of not being able to see is really fearsome. However, there were no reports of blindness caused by it. The gravest effect of it would be death due to some preexisting illnesses or severe allergic reactions.

Author Bio: Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for which sells bear spray and stun batons as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: pepper spray,pepper allergy,personal security,self defense,security gadgets

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