The Psychiatric Aspect of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is, in its simplest form, defined as the continued compulsive use of drugs in spite of adverse health or social consequences.

Drug addiction has many faces and is often accompanied by depression and loss of interest in activities. Have you ever ask yourself the question, why do people become drug addicts? The reasons cannot be farfetched, because the psychiatric aspect of addiction to drugs can be very powerful. The human minds are very complex and the thoughts that go through it can dominate our lives.

Mental professionals have vast knowledge of the psychiatric aspects of the mind, and how it can control our lives. For instance, supposing by chance, your parents either father or mother is an addict, whether it be a pot-head parents or an alcoholic parent, your mind begins to justify your own alcohol or marijuana use as being alright. Your mindset will make you to believe, that your use of drug is not bad, since your parents are doing it.

One other psychiatric aspect of drug is the effect it has on the brain. The psychiatric Association of America has scientifically proven that addiction is a brain problem. When you start using drugs, your brain gets used to having that drug around. When it’s not present, your mind starts “talking” to you and you believe what it utters- that you must have that drug to function.

How can you strive to stop and beat the psychiatric implications of drug addiction? The answer to that question cannot be farfetched, simply look for help from a help professional. Ask ways that you might overcome the problem.

It is not a must, that you have to enter a rehab facility, but when you contact a psychiatrist or a psychologist seeking help for your addictions, you will find that overcoming that devil is much easier; as there are many programs available to people who are dealing with drug addiction. They handle both the mind and the body, because you will be going through some withdrawal symptoms, when you make up your mind to stop using drugs. Be assured that with professional help, you will be able to successfully conquer the hold that drug addiction has on you, your life and your mind.

Finally, expert medical counsel is often needed in clearing up difficult situations. It is usually the least expensive in the end and brings the best results. It would also be wise to integrate latest researches on addiction into psychiatric practices. By doing so, it would go a long way into addressing addiction problems; as it is a developmental brain disease that begins in adolescence. Studies have shown that there are four times as many male addicts as female. Most women addicts are prostitutes. Many addicts spend their entire income on drugs, refusing to eat or care for themselves properly. They become emaciated and sick. Needle marks and scars may be seen over the veins of the arms and legs of the addicts.

Author Bio: Judewilson Obinna is dedicated to helping people stay informed about \”The Psychiatric aspect of Drug addiction\”. For more hard hitting articles like this, feel free to visit:Cure your Addiction

Category: Family Concerns

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