The Top Three Throat Ailments and How to Treat Them

Pharyngitis, the common sore throat is anything but common. There are several causes of sore throat, usually either viral or bacterial. Of course, tobacco smoke, polluted air, alcohol abuse and strain can also cause irritation that is just as unpleasant. A real sore throat is often accompanied with other symptoms and is part of a cold or flu. It can also occur from postnasal drip due to allergies. Whatever the reason, if your sore throat does not go away in a few days, or is accompanied by extreme symptoms, you may want to consult with a professional.

Strep Throat

Strep Throat is not an illness to be taken lightly. It is caused by an infection of the streptococcal bacteria and left alone, it can kill you. If you suspect strep throat, do everything in your power to contain yourself, and your germs, and seek help immediately.

– Sever sore throat
– Bright red color in throat
– Swollen tonsils
– Swollen glands under jaw
– A fever over 101 degrees

All In The Family

This terrible bacterial infection targets our children and makes it extremely difficult for them to swallow or even open their mouths. It spreads like wildfire and it is very conniving. Some children can be carriers and show no symptoms at all. If one child comes down with strep, the odds of everyone in the immediate family of getting it are better than average. A throat culture will be needed to ascertain the cause of the sore throat. Antibiotics are the treatment for all bacterial infections.


– Inflammation of the kidneys
– Rheumatic fever, which can damage the heart and major joints of the body


In the fifties, this used to be called the kissing disease for the same reasons we were told we would go insane by listening to rock and roll. It targets older children or adolescents and presents as a severely painful sore throat. The patient will also be extremely tired, weak, and very irritable. Mono is viral. This means that it could bring about an enlargement of the spleen. Mono very rarely targets adults and the only treatment is rest and fluids.


This is an inflammation of the tonsils that cause them to swell. Most people think the tonsils are the little bobber that hangs in the back of the throat but it is actually the glands on either side. It looks lie mono but it attacks younger children and adults as well. It is usually caused by a severe viral infection, however, if the lymph nodes on the sides of the neck are swollen and the child has foul breath, it is likely bacterial.

What to do in viral sore throat situations:

– OTC (Over the counter) pain meds will help with the pain and fever. NOTE: Aspirin can cause REYES Syndrome in children so check with your physician before giving a child any over the counter pain medication.
– Gargle with one-fourth teaspoon of salt to eight ounces of water several times daily
– Eat only jello, soup, or soft foods like applesauce
– Lightly medicated throat lozenges may help
– Drink plenty of fluids

Its Not Just The Kids

Most sore throats are vial in origin however, making antibiotics useless. Education, as in HIPAA Training, time, and patience are what is called for in this instance. Plenty of rest and no smoking while you are sick will increase recovery time. Sore throats usually last a week or so and target children between 5 to 10 years of age. Anyone can come down with one though so be careful if you know someone who has one.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our HIPAA Privacy Rule website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: viral infection,Aspirin,Rheumatic fever,streptococcal bacteria ,bacterial,Pharyngitis,HIPAA Privacy

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