Tiwanaku Alien and the Nazca Lines – Part 2

Quite a few Internet pages are dedicated to the Nazca Lines of Peru, and everywhere you see the same conclusion: the Nazca Lines are a great mystery or enigma. It makes me wonder if the people on this planet are lacking common sense, or else an aversion to any possibility of aliens is keeping them from seeing the obvious.

Simple observation of what you see on the desert floor in Peru is enough to determine why those lines were made. Dozens of figures of animals and the like, so large that they can only be viewed intact from the sky, were clearly made for a creature(s) in the sky who was intelligent enough to be attracted and entertained by those drawings. Dozens of arrow-head type pointers provide directional guidance, so this creature(s) was not only in the sky but also flying through the air. Lines that run straight for kilometers, up and down hills rather than around them, were clearly made to be followed by a creature(s) who could fly higher than the hills.

The purpose and motivation behind the Nazca Lines is not a mystery. Only a minimal understanding of the workings of the human mind is required to determine that the Nazca Lines were made to attract, entertain, and guide a creature(s) who could fly, who had eyes, and who was intelligent. Whether or not such a creature really existed, or was merely imagined by the people of Nazca, is another issue. And if such a creature existed, whether or not it was an alien is still another issue. Meanwhile, why they made those lines is no enigma at all.

It is my central contention that the Nazca Lines were made, specifically, to be viewed by the sky god of Tiwanaku. Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco in Spanish) was a city in the Bolivian highlands that existed contemporaneously with the Nazca civilization of Peru. The Nazca plain lies around 600 kilometers to the northwest of Tiwanaku. For sure, Nazca was closer to the Wari (Huari in Spanish) empire than to Tiwanaku in the southeast, but the Tiwanaku empire is known to have expanded into Peru.

In Tiwanaku Alien and the Nazca Lines – Part 1, I noted that a drawing of the Tiwanaku sky god was found on Nazca pottery. With “astronaut\’s helmet” and numerous fish-head symbols found on both drawings, the drawings are close enough to conclude that the sky god of Tiwanaku and the sky god of Nazca were one and the same. Also in Part 1, I noted that the artists of Tiwanaku attached human heads to the aquatic creature to symbolize that it was intelligent, and that in Nazca we find a geoglyph (giant ground drawing) of a human head attached to the head of a fish.

Here, we will look at a few other items to reinforce the connection between Tiwanaku and Nazca:


There are reputed to be some one hundred drawings of spirals on the Nazca plain, of which the most memorable is perhaps the monkey\’s tail. Similar spiral drawings are also found in Tiwanaku. It is my contention that the sky god descended from the sky in a spiral motion.


Tiwanaku drawings of their sky god always depict it as having only four fingers. In Nazca, the blob geoglyph depicts one hand with four fingers and one hand with five fingers, likely symbolizing a bond of friendship between the sky god and the humans. Hands of four and five fingers, respectively, also appear in the monkey geoglyph.


The Nazca pottery drawing displays a loudspeaker attached to the sky god\’s hand-held instrument, likely symbolizing its communicative capabilities. Similar loudspeakers also appear in Tiwanaku drawings.


In Part 1, I discussed Tiwanaku drawings of the sky god\’s aquatic tri-pod tail. A similar drawing is found on a cliff facing the sea in Paracas, Peru, to the north of Nazca. Known as the Candelabra geoglyph, it can be seen from many kilometers out at sea.

My investigations have led me to conclude that the sky god had direct contact with the Andeans in Tiwanaku, Bolivia, and also in the Cuzco region of Peru, but not in Nazca. Therefore, the people of Nazca may have never seen him directly, making the geoglyphs merely out of drawings and hearsay coming to them from the mountains. However, whoever made the Candalabra geoglyph, saw the sky god directly. My current theory on this is that the people of Cuzco (Wari empire) believed the aquatic sky god lived in the sea, from where it emerged to go into flight. Hence, they sent an expedition to the sea, making the geoglyph of the sky god\’s tail in hopes of luring it back out of the sea.

Establishing a connection between Nazca and the Tiwanaku sky god is not alone sufficient to explain the geoglyphs. It is still necessary to show that this creature could fly. Why in the world would the people of Nazca make the geoglyphs if the creature was incapable of flying overhead to view their drawings?

In Part 1, I discussed a Tiwanaku drawing of the sky god with its arms raised up, holding its hand-held instruments that had suddenly contracted and split apart, apparently creating an anti-gravitational field around its body as the tail, lighter than the body, is rising first. Indeed, the central pod of the tail is depicted up above the sky god\’s helmet. Also noteworthy are the puma-head symbols, which may indicate that the instruments made an audible roaring sound upon liftoff into the sky. Other Tiwanaku drawings confirm that they believed the sky god\’s power of flight rested in those hand-held instruments. One drawing places bird heads on each end of the instrument, and another drawing encloses a bird head inside the instrument. Bird heads are the symbol of flight.

It\’s a bird, it\’s a plane, it\’s Superman! That is how the Tiwanaku alien flew about, freelance style, just like Superman. It is only because of human inability to imagine any technology more advanced than ours that most people believe ancient astronauts needed to use landing craft.

Author Bio: Morten St. George is the creator of a website about the Nazca Lines, which displays the Tiwanaku and Nazca drawings mentioned in this article.

Category: Culture
Keywords: Nazca Lines, Tiwanaku, Tiahuanaco, archaeology, Peru, Bolivia, sky god, aliens, ancient astronauts

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