Top 7 Reasons on Why Do Some Healthy Weight Lose Programs Fail

Maintaining a healthy weight is already hard with the kind of lifestyle people are having in this eat-all-you can, drive-thru economy, more so when you attempt to lose weight. While there is not a dearth of quick weight loss schemes, diet fads and quick fixes, these only add to the difficulty because most of these simply do not work and are only out to rake in profit. There are of course, weight loss programs and products that are proven effective. But while these could work for others, it could not be effective with you, so finding a healthy weight lose program ideal for anyone could all boils down to the fundamental trial and error route. But don\’t be discouraged, you just have to find a plan that suits your individual needs. You can consult a health professional to pinpoint an ideal program for you and avoid common diet pitfalls and traps. Finding an appropriate healthy weight loss program could lead you to make the necessary lifestyle changes to achieve a long-term ideal body weight for your body.

Still, the fact remains, – Why do some weight loss programs fail? Many of the diet fads and products often fail to live up to their promises because:

– They deprive you of certain food groups that are not practical and unhealthy in long run. Depriving you of certain food groups doesn\’t allow you to enjoy a balanced diet and can create a systemic imbalance in the body.

– If there is no provision for an accompanying workout program, you will \”plateau\” after losing a certain number of pounds. It is because the second component of losing weight (which is exercise) is needed for the continued weight loss after the body adjusts to the food intake introduced by the diet program.

– Most of the lose weight schemes work their wonders on the short term without means for a long term, healthy weight maintenance. The pounds would come back as quickly as it was shed off because of a healthy meal and calorie deprivation. You lose weight guaranteed, but only for the short term.

– Fasting diet or starvation is not recommended and is counterproductive because body metabolism slows down as a result of restricted food intake. After you finished your diet program, your body quickly sought for nourishment and seems to put on weight more quickly than ever before.

– You are easily discouraged to continue your diet program after breaking some rules. Giving in to temptations or eating too much is just a glitch in the diet program and shouldn\’t be an excuse to wholly abandon the weight loss program altogether and waste your efforts you already invested in it. You have to see the whole picture and be quick to recognize that you can still manage to stay on track.

– The high cost of some weight loss programs proves to be impractical for long-term healthy weight loss maintenance. Custom made meals, shakes and supplements are very cost-prohibitive and expensive to maintain.

– You could feel social isolation especially with situations and social events involving food and eating. Without proper diet management and advice revolving diet strategies on certain rule-exceptions like these, you could be at a loss on what to do next.

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