Web Sites With C.L.A.S. Will Rank Higher

When you were a little child, did you believe everything your parents told you? Okay, I’ll rephrase the question. Did you believe in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy? To tell you the truth I used to believe in both of them but as I grew up I saw what was real and what was not. Nowadays I only believe in SEO NYC. About that new algorithm of Google’s, this is what they say. “If you want to rank higher, your web site must have C.L.A.S.” There is no misspelling. This class is one with one “s” missing. And they are not saying C.L.A.S. That is also what I say.

“C” means content which means you must have original and high quality content. Articles and information taken from other sites won’t cut it anymore. However there is one disadvantage for people with really good and original content. Other web sites copy their contents to their web sites. Therefore the originality of their contents gets lost in the search engine rankings. If you are one of these unfortunate people you can start your own crusade against the evils of plagiarism and try to take out the sites who stole from you one by one. While on your new mission, try not to drawn in the fast currents of information river like King Richard.

“L” stands for links. Yes, links are still very important to rank higher in the search engine results. Only now, the sources of links are even more important. Google started its own crusade against link farms and link farmers are shedding tears of blood because they won’t be bringing caviar and champagne to their homes anymore. It is a matter of time before they solve their problems but Google is not waiting idly. They are waiting for their opponent’s move to change again their precious algorithm.

“A” is for activity. Everyone knows that you have to be active to stay healthy. Now Google checks out the activity of web sites and giving points for every active person visiting the sites. Do you know what it means? It means a new black SEO method is about to be born. In the near future there will be Trojan Horses that enter our computers and increase activity in certain sites to fool search engine spiders.

The first “S” is for speed. From now on Google will calculate the loading time of all the web pages if they are slow they will go down, if they are fast they will come up. This means more CSS and less tables; more HTML and less flash; more pictures and less videos. May be the last one is not so applicable. You got the picture. The disadvantage is for all the small hosting companies that can’t afford hyper super optic links with a billion gigabyte of speed.

The second “S”, there is no second “S.” There is only SEO NYC. It also starts with an “S” doesn’t it? Anyway, who needs a second “S” if they can’t even find the first?

Author Bio: Next, find out more about SEO NYC in the best specialized website available on such delicate topic.

Category: Internet
Keywords: SEO NYC

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