Weight Loss And Emotional Eating – The Perspective Of A Hypnotist In Albuquerque, NM

As a consulting hypnotist in Albuquerque, NM, I work with many people to help them achieve their weight loss goals. Although many people understand the concept of emotional eating, few understand it as clearly as those who have lived with the cycle of weight gain and loss that emotional eating results in. Those of us who work with them on a professional, helping basis, have a unique perspective on the situation as well. As a Certified Consulting Hypnotist practicing in Albuquerque NM, my observations may help you in dealing with emotional eating. I will outline the cycle from beginning to end as a means of furthering understanding on the subject.

The Beginning

From the start, our subconscious minds are conditioned, for better or worse, by our caregivers. Infants, incapable of clear communication of their needs, often cry, or fuss, to gain the attention of the adult(s) caring for them. The need they are communicating may be hunger, displeasure, need for a new diaper, attention, or a variety of other possibilities. Although the caregiver is usually intent of finding the real source of the baby\’s crying, if that reason is not readily apparent, giving the child a bottle often quiets the situation. That\’s great if the need was hunger, however, if the real need was for attention, a bottle is a poor substitute. In many cases, this is the beginning of satisfying an emotional need with something to digest.

This can be further reinforced as the child grows. Perhaps the reward for being still during church is ice cream on Sunday afternoon. Maybe a skinned knee is a reason for a cookie. A bad first day of high school may result in receiving a favorite meal. Although the intentions are kind and nurturing, the result can be creating an imprint on the mind that food can make it all better, and often with sweeter foods doing a better job of making things all better.

The Imprint

This imprint lasts into adulthood. Later on, long after they are grown, a person may find themselves eating emotionally and subsequently having weight problems they find hard to deal with. It is perfectly understandable how it happened, but that still doesn\’t take the weight off, nor does it keep it from happening in the future. Imprints govern our habits, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings, and an imprint on the mind lasts until it is altered or amended.

Altering the Imprint

Altering the imprint, which involves incorporating the subconscious mind into the process is fairly simple. It takes just a little practice, yet the process is simple enough for most people to follow with ease. As a hypnotherapist I believe in the incredible power of hypnosis to undo the imprints that do not serve our best selves. You can simply re-frame the meaning of food in your life, or re-frame why you eat, and when.

1. Remember that everything you say (out loud, or silently, to yourself ), has the potential to create a blueprint in your life, or alter the blueprint already there. So, WATCH WHAT YOU SAY, and only say things that affirm healthy, easy, safe, weight loss.

2. Create an image in your mind of you at your goal weight. What do you look like? What do you feel like emotionally? What do you feel like physically? What are the kind, affirming, loving things you are saying to yourself?

3. Own this image, this emotional feeling, this physical feeling, these words now. When referring to your goal weight/size/shape, refer to it as if you already have it. Your subconscious mind doesn’t understand the relationship of past, present, and future. It only understands “the present.” So speak to it in “present” terms, and it will respond to you as if what you said, is reality. So, tell yourself that you are slim, trim, attractive, and easily dismiss excess portions. For one thing, that feels good. But more importantly, if your subconscious mind hears such affirmations over and over without having to hear things to the contrary, it will make sure that you experience that reality.

Remember, your subconscious mind only does what you program it to do. Be careful how you program it!

Author Bio: Victor Pierce 505-804-6552 Not in Albuquerque, NM? Phone sessions can be arranged. Lose weight with the power of your mind

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hypnotist in albuquerque, hypnosis albuquerque, weight loss hypnosis, emotional eating, albuquerque

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