What Makes Red Marine Algae So Good For Your Health?

Red marine algae have been touted as the latest superfood in the past few years, and for good reason. These marine organisms contain vitamins and minerals in concentrations much higher than most known sources of healthy foods. Also, they are rich in sulfated polysaccharides, which for decades have been the subject of research in connection with its purported antimicrobial and antiviral properties. It has been a delicacy in various parts of Asia for centuries, and has also gained much attention for its nutritional value in the West since the 20th century.

What we refer to as red marine algae are actually many different species of algae that are often classified in the same category due to their red coloration. These species belong to the multicellular group now identified as rhodophyta, which in literal sense means red plant. This group also comprises large algae in the form of seaweeds that have become the most investigated among all seaweeds due to their photosynthetic metabolic pathway. In the food industry they are highly valued for the gelatinous substance they produce called agar and other organic compounds widely used as food additives.

Improves Metabolic Activities

The commercial value of red marine algae is completely dependent on its nutritional content. It has an abundance of dietary minerals that are needed in minute quantities to support chemical reactions necessary for healthy body functions.

Magnesium is one of the trace minerals that are widely accepted to be indispensable at the cellular level. Due to recent studies that point to its importance in the utilization of ATP, magnesium deficiency has become a public concern.

Iodine being an important constituent of thyroid hormones not only supports the interactions of these hormones but also promotes the overall capacity of the human body to fight off stress. This dietary element is crucial to the processes that regulate metabolism.

Iron and zinc have long been identified to be central to the activities of certain enzymes. Zinc, a pervasive trace element, is necessitated in the activation of enzymes, and iron is of particular significance in circulatory health.

Counters Malnutrition Effects

In addition to the high amounts of minerals they contain, red marine algae are complete protein, which means they are excellent sources of all essential amino acids. Some effects of malnutrition are more detrimental than others, often impairing functions that contribute to the upkeep of cells and tissues. Consuming complete protein often translates to reversing the effects of malnutrition and, of course, countering malnutrition itself, inasmuch as the presence of essential amino acids modulates physiological processes implicated in different body systems.

Strengthens Immune Responses

Red marine algae have been associated with sulfated polysaccharides for decades, notably fucoidan and carrageenan. These organic compounds unique to seaweeds have long been postulated to have immune-boosting effects, which have been quantified in a couple of clinical trials. Apart from raising the number of white blood cell releases during infections, red marine algae has also been observed to inhibit processes that govern viral replication.

Author Bio: If you Need an Immune System Boost, Try Red Marine Algae Risk Free. http://herpes-outbreak.us/

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Red Marine Algae, Herpes, Metabolism, Energy

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