Women Want Anticipation

Anticipation is the spice of life.

When we are little kids, sometimes the anticipation of opening all those gaily wrapped presents around the Christmas tree was almost as evicting as doing the actual unwrapping. Or the anticipation leading up to a special trip to the amusement park or zoo was nearly as exciting as the experience itself.

That’s all because of anticipation. When we anticipate something, we have thought about it for so long that it actually enhances the experience when it happens.

If you want to make your date or your girlfriend a very happy girl then you need to use anticipation to your advantage all of the time. What exactly does that mean? It means many things. It means sending a text to her early in the day telling her that you can’t wait to see her that night. It means holding her hand and looking her in the eye with that special look all through dinner so she knows exactly what you have anticipated for later that night – just for her.

Haven’t you ever heard that good things come to those who wait? Well it counts double in relationships. Ask any successful Pickup Artist. If you set the mood and the scene and don’t rush your relationship, you will find it more fulfilling and satisfying than you could have ever dreamed.

Anticipation is that feeling the girl gets when she likes you and you say you are going to call her on Thursday to arrange your date and she is checking her phone every five minutes that day waiting for that message from you.

So how do you build anticipation? Well you let her know during the times you are apart how much you are looking forward to seeing her and hanging out together again. It is a simple message that creates tension – in a good way – between the two of you as you eagerly await your next meeting.

For every woman it is different, but you can surely think of some ways to add some anticipation to your life and relationship. For instance, you can hint early on in the evening that you have a great bottle of champagne waiting for the both of you at your apartment once you are done with dinner and dancing.

Sometimes it can be a very soft kiss on the cheek or a special touch on her lower back that creates anticipation. Other times it might just be a look or a special word or reference to a past experience you have shared.

It is something that is shared exclusively between the two of you. It is not for public knowledge. It is a little secret you keep on How to Seduce a Girl.

Remember that feeling when you were little and you anticipated some great event. Remember how that felt and try to give your girlfriend that feeling somehow. It will make her happy and if she’s happy then you are bound to be happy, too. It doesn’t take a lot of time or money, but it does take some planning and thought. It will be worth it.

Author Bio: Bill has been a pick up artist for the last 5 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to text a girl. The original article can be found here: Women Want Anticipation.

Category: Dating
Keywords: how to meet women, how to get a girlfriend, how to attract women

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