4 Worrying Visual Signs and Symptoms of Lyme Disease Which You Need to Know

Some of the visual signs and symptoms related to Lyme disease include damaged muscle mobility in one’s face muscles, reddening of the eyes, eye inflammation and various visual disturbances.

Lyme disease is an illness that\’s transmitted through the deer tick\’s bite contaminated by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium. Patients may suffer through three stages of the disease if they do not get the suitable treatment method right away. The symptoms of Lyme disease usually start with a tell-tale rash in a distinctive bull’s eye shape growing around the bite. Over the span of a few days, the redness may spread to other body parts. Lyme symptoms are usually varied and may range from typical flu-like symptoms to serious neurological conditions. Several affected individuals might also suffer various visual signs or symptoms in the second and later stages of Lyme disease. Here are several of these visual symptoms:

Impaired muscle movement in one’s facial muscles

The second phase of Lyme disease is called the early displayed stage of the ailment. It\’s in this phase that the patient starts to suffer visual signs and symptoms such as damaged muscle movement in the face muscles. This condition makes it hard or impossible for the patient to move her or his eye in the afflicted portion of the face. The person may not be able to close his or her eyes too and might experience increased tears in the eyes. The patient’s cardiovascular system and nervous systems are also affected and the person may suffer stiff neck, meningitis as well as palsies or a paralysis on one side of the face. The symptoms in this particular stage may occur if it is not treated a few weeks, months or even years after being bitten.

Eye inflammation

One of the less popular Lyme disease signs and symptoms associated with one’s vision is inflammation of the eye. A person experiencing this disorder is described to have eyelids which are swollen. This specific visual symptom could be accompanied by severe fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.

Redness of the eyes

Aside from eye inflammation, Lyme disease sufferers can also experience redness of their eyes. Eye redness takes place when the arteries in the eyes are enlarged or dilated causing the eye area to look bloodshot. This condition also leads to the white surface of the eyes to appear inflammed and enlarged. The affected person can experience pain or discharge, vision problems, and itching because of this.

Several visual disturbances

There are also many other visual disturbances associated with Lyme disease. Ultimately, these disorders damage the patient’s sense of sight. Below are some of the normal types of visual disorders:

* Blurred vision is referred to as the decrease in sharpness in an individual’s vision and the inability to view little objects or details.

* Blind spots resemble dark spots in the person’s visual field and impair the sense of sight.

* Floaters might be seen by affected individuals. These are characterised as small specks moving in the visual field. They might show up when the affected individual looks at plain, solid backgrounds or blank walls.

If you experience any of the above symptoms and have been exposed in areas suspected to be inhabited by deer ticks or have heard reports of Lyme cases in your area, consult a specialist immediately.

Author Bio: Written by Douglas R. Williams. Take note of the other symptoms of Lyme disease by reading http://www.lymediseaseblog.com/lyme-disease-symptoms/.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: symptoms of Lyme, Lyme symptoms

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