Accessories For Canoes and Kayaks

Whether you are new at the sport of canoeing or kayaking or a seasoned pro, it is a good idea to outfit your canoe or kayak with stabilizers. Canoe outriggers and kayak outriggers make a craft safer by stabilizing it and prevent the craft from flipping over. It is one of the many additional accessories you should purchase for your canoe or kayak.

There are a couple different types of outriggers. The first being one long pole attached to canoe or kayak with a buoy on each end. There is another type where there are two separate poles one attached to each side of the craft with a buoy at each end. With the two poles type outrigger, if a person chooses they can use only one outrigger on one side which prevents capsizing on the one side only. They tend to be installed in the middle of the craft but may be installed in the front or back as well. It can also be installed much easier in the middle of a canoe than in a kayak because in a canoe, you tend to have two individuals paddling one in the front and one in the back leaving the middle open for the outrigger. With a kayak, it is a different story since the person paddling sits in the middle of the kayak and this would prevent them from paddling so with kayaks, outriggers are installed on the back of the craft instead where they cause less of a disturbance with paddling.

It is made to fit all types of canoes and kayaks. They are easily and quickly installed and can be easily broken down for the purpose of transporting or storing your vessel. Outriggers are made and sold by the manufacturers of canoes and kayak and they tend to be more expensive than the generic brands which work just as well. You may even be able to find and purchase this equipment used to save money.

There are benefits to installing outriggers on your craft, in addition to increasing the safety factor of flipping. These devices are particularly useful for people that are fishing, especially fly fishing, because it allows them to stand up and sight cast without tipping over. Another benefit of installing stabilizers is that it adds 100 pounds of floatation to your kayak or canoe. The outriggers can also be used as a platform for diving off of your craft and keeps your craft stable when you are climbing back in after a swim.

Many people that are experienced with canoes and kayaks feel that installing outriggers on their craft is not necessary or simply not cool; however, for beginners, children, elderly, and physically impaired this can really help a person feel stable in their kayak or canoe and provide a level of safety. Many people believe that outriggers cause a drag in the water while paddling. And, yes, they do but not a great deal and considering the safety value it is worth the drag.

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis has recently found several items for a camping trip by searching for the term canoe outriggers on the internet. She searched the term kayak outriggers to locate a store in her area.

Category: Recreation
Keywords: canoe outriggers,kayak outriggers

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