Baptism – The Purpose of Getting Baptized

Christianity is practiced by many people and baptism plays an important role to every Christian. It is a public declaration of faith through blessing or baptizing with water. This is usually administered by a priest, pastor or minister and witnessed by many people of the same faith and belief. But, do all of us understand the meaning or purpose of getting baptized?

What is the purpose of Baptism?
There are many Christians today who go to church and to them, church family is the lifeblood. People want to take their next step with their walk with God. The first step is getting saved and that heartfelt gift is irreplaceable. Once saved, you are considered a new member of faith of Christ’s body.

The next leap of faith is through baptism. Most Christian churches describe baptism as a step Christians need to take once saved because it is a way that they will show how much they love God. It is like a wedding ring which we know is a symbol of our promise to our loved one. In the same way, this is our promise of love to God.

What are the types of Baptism?
There are various types of baptism. First is “baptism of repentance”, which requires confession of sins and completely turning away from an evil living to a Godly life.

Second is “baptism into the body of Christ” which means that the person came to terms with the bible or scripture. This person is called a born again. It also illustrates “one baptism” which means that no matter what we are and where we come from, we are all the same in the eyes of God.

Third is “baptism in water” which means that when a person has accepted Christ as his/her personal savior, then this kind of baptism is a symbol of a Christian’s declaration of faith through immersion in water.

Fourth is “baptism into the Holy Spirit” which is required for a new believer who desires a triumphant spiritual life in order to empower him/her to live a Godly life. Last is “baptism with fire” which is not a literal kind of fire but the spiritual kind of fire which is the outcome of his faith in God. This is showed by their strong beliefs that don’t waiver in times of sufferings or trials.

Are all Christians baptized with the same method?
Different Christian churches practice different kinds of ways on baptism. Some baptize their babies which is usually called christening. The priest administers the blessing to the baby and the family and relatives surround and witness the christening of a new Christian. The priest sprinkles water on the baby’s head and prays for the baby and the whole family. Other churches baptize the person when they are already grown up and go to the beach or swimming pool and do total immersion in the water as an illustration of baptism. This is usually done by a reverend or pastor.

What are the gifts for newly baptized Christians?
Members of the church normally give gifts to the new Christians. For babies it usually include: angel cookies, baptism gown cookies, cross-designed candle, marshmallows, photo frames and cross necklaces. For grown-ups, some gifts can include: cross designed photo frame, cross key chains, bibles, bible boxes, cross necklaces, cross design bookmarks, holy cross letter openers and many more.

Author Bio: Jamie Highland writes about family and religious topics. To shop for some baptism favors or other related items like baby picture frames, visit My Baby Shower Favors. Note: You can reprint this article in your ezine, blog, or website as long as the credits remain intact and hyperlinks remain active and dofollow.

Category: Religion
Keywords: Christening, baptism, purpose of baptism, baptize, when to baptize

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