Car Accident Atlanta, Understanding Whiplash Injury

A common injury in a car accident Atlanta or any other city is hyperextension of the cervical spine. More commonly called whiplash, it is an injury that can happen at both low and high speeds. The action of the head snapping abruptly forward and then backward usually occurs because of a rear-end collision. The condition can also be referred to as a cervical sprain or strain. The ligaments, muscles, and the vertebrae of the neck can be injured when this type of accident happens.

The symptoms of whiplash can be realized immediately. However, adrenaline can be running high after an accident preventing the body from realizing that pain messages from the neck area should be sent to the brain. Symptoms will begin to present hours or even days later.

Several different symptoms can manifest after this type of injury. You may experience one or many of the signs of damage. You may have problems keeping your balance or feel dizzy. Concentration may be impaired as well as difficulty with memory. Pain can be located in the back as well as the neck area. Often the neck area will be extremely stiff and produce a dull ache. Headaches too can be a symptom of this injury.

Whenever you are in an accident, you should consult with your doctor. Some injuries may not show up or present as minor afflictions but can cause serious complications years ahead. It is worth your time and money to have an x-ray of your spine to investigate any hidden damage.

When you have legal representation, the attorney will probably have you see a medical specialist whose area of expertise is the spine. The specialist can be a neurologist, chiropractor, or a doctor who only addresses injury to the spine. Treatments will vary due to the severity of the injury.

For lower level injuries, a muscle relaxant may be prescribed to allow more movement of the neck. Massage therapy can also help relieve tension and bring more blood flow to aide healing. Physical therapy may be needed in some instances to help strengthen the surrounding muscles and increase the range of motion. In more severe cases, the neck may need to be immobilized to promote healing without further damage. Traction or surgery too can be needed in the most serious of cases.

Recovery will differ from person to person due to degree of injury and the previous condition and age of the person. Many will feel better in a matter of two to three weeks. Others may have pain for months. Still others may have the pain for years or will have a chronic condition that can\’t be corrected.

Make notes of all the procedures you have been required to endure. Note the time you have spent and the money that it will cost. If you have to miss work, record this information and make note of any mental anguish you or a family member may be experiencing. Give all of this information to your legal representative. If you have cause for a legal claim, this information is needed. Find legal counsel by searching for car accident Atlanta, to find a firm that can help you. Don\’t delay and get to a specialist quickly.

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Category: Legal
Keywords: car accident atlanta

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