Choosing the Best Pitching Machine – Your Kids Will Love You!

Any parent knows that the kids cannot get enough of your time for batting practice. Hours of pitching balls and aching shoulders and it is still not enough! Your kids want more! If this is the scene at your place and your kids are avid batters then it may be time to consider getting a pitching machine. There’s an amazing range of pitching machines on the market and there are many options to be considered when making your choice.

Having the machine at home not only lets you ‘off the hook’ but when your son or daughter has the facility to practice hitting every day just when they feel like it they will make dramatic improvement and skill level increases considerably. They will make the team every time. Be prepared for the neighborhood kids paying you regular visits as gathering at your place to play.

You may think that a machine is too costly for home use but when you begin your research you will be pleasantly surprised to find that they are in fact quite inexpensive. So, what are the things you need to take into account when choosing a machine?

Price Range

The machines come in a wide price range and you can pay anything from $180 up to a few thousand dollars. This is the first factor and knowing your budget will naturally narrow your choice of selection.

The next factor is age and skills

You need to consider who will be the most frequent users. If they are under twelve years of age they will not need some of the features that the more sophisticated machines offer such as speed and curve, the slider and knuckle ball facilities. Older users will require some extra features and a slighter more expensive outlay.

Pitching Type

The way in which the ball is delivered to a batter varies in different machines. Some operate using a single spinning wheel, some have two wheels, others use air pressure and others have an arm operated throwing device. The ones that are generally chosen for a backyard tend to be the one wheel variety or the forced air pressure type. The more expensive two wheel or automatic arm varieties are more often found in a batting cage set-up or in high schools and colleges.

Additional Features

All kinds of great additional options are available to complement a pitching machine. Remote control devices can be a huge benefit and allow for switching the machine off and on and also control the pitch timing. There are auto-feeding systems to stack the balls and feed them at certain intervals into the machine. Battery packs provide the option to use the machine without electricity and are very handy for use in areas without a power supply nearby.

Pitching machines are widely used the world over and the range of machines that are manufactured are almost limitless. Anyone should be able to find a machine that suits their needs and doing a little research, asking friends and neighbors, looking online will give you a head start.

Author Bio: Coach Chuck Stewart operates a baseball web site that offers a special type of pitching machine as well as training aids and coaching/instructional videos along with lots of free coaching content. He offers a large selection of pitching machines online.

Category: Sports
Keywords: pitching machine,pitching machines

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