Communication Skills Training Leads to a Promising Future

Certificate programs offer an array of opportunities for continuing education and progressing necessary skill sets. Since every person in the corporate workplace values effective communication skills, courses are offered for those looking to strengthen their individual skills. Whether it is public speaking skills or simply typing a well directed e-mail, communication skills training is available to people at every level. Today, many businesses are downsizing and restructuring; one worker now does the work of many. Improved communication skills will enhance employees’ ability to work more comfortably with co-workers and resolve workplace issues.

There are three modes of communication that take high importance for successful work: written communication, oral communication, and technological communication. Although the paper memo has disappeared from the workplace, employees still must fill out paperwork and forms, as well as write reports. Therefore, one must be aware of how to articulate what they do and how they do it. The smaller the company, the greater the chance is for employees to be responsible for compiling and keeping detailed written records. Even at a larger corporation, it is extremely important for managers and executives to write formal reports on topics ranging from finance to marketing.

By far, the most important type of communication is the spoken word. Although the workplace environment is now heavily influenced by digital communication, verbal conversations will never disappear. In fact, in order to be hired by the company, you must impress the employer during your interview through verbal speech. You must be able to speak clearly and specifically about your individual strengths and accomplishments, as well as ask the interviewer questions about the company itself. Additionally, many employers distinguish telephone etiquette as an important skill. When leaving voicemails, the top complaint is that time is wasted tracking down a telephone number to return a message. With the fast-paced corporate work environment, business people are pinched for time; which is why effective communication becomes so necessary. When the message can be transported from person A to person B in a thorough and timely fashion, business can proceed efficiently. Strong communication skills are also necessary for promotion.

Electronic communication has become the new way of interacting with business colleagues and co-workers. Business relationships have become heavily dependent on the way people interact via electronic mail and other tools such as web-chatting and social media sites. Therefore, you must be very careful and specific with the way this communication occurs. A person can be misinterpreted by their word choice and tone, so one has to make sure that he or she clarifies exactly what is meant to be accomplished by the message. Certificate programs exist to train those interested in improving their electronic communication skills and stay updated with technology. Positive interactions with coworkers create relationships that improve the success of the information communicated.

Communication skills training can help you with expressing your ideas to others in a more comprehensible manner. If you overlook the importance of communication, you are making a mistake. On a daily basis, we work with people expressing different values, beliefs, ideas and opinions contrary to our own. In order for us to exchange perspectives with people and share our intended goals, messages must be successfully revealed in a concise and logical manner. Pursuing a certificate in communication skills training will help you to get ahead in all future endeavors.

Author Bio: David Shoemaker is Vice President of Learning Solutions and Innovation at eCornell. For more information on communication skills training, certificate programs, or eCornell, please visit

Category: Education
Keywords: communication skills training, certificate training

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