Davidoff Toro Especial Sel 702 Limited Edition Cigar Review
Origin: Dominican Republic Binder: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Dominican Republic Strength: Medium
Filler: Dominican Republic
In a genius, and much appreciated move, the Davidoff label strategically introduced the Davidoff Toro Especial Sel 702 limited edition line of cigars in 2009. As with many Davidoff special editions, these beautiful cigars have created quite a storm of excitement. They have caused a buying frenzy among cigar enthusiasts who want to get their hands on one of these precious sticks before the supply runs out. Due to the fact that the Davidoff Toro Especial Sel 702 cigar was only produced in 2009, an explosion in sales quickly spread around the globe. Thus, with limited quantities, it can easily be said for most, that smoking one of these cigars may truly be a once in a lifetime experience. So don\’t wait to stock your humidors with some of these limited quantity sticks before they are gone.
Once you set your eyes upon this beautiful stick, you will likely take note of the immaculate craftsmanship and polished exterior from the oils of the Ecuadorian sun-grown wrapper. This wrapper incases the finest blends of Piloto, Olor, and San Vincente tobaccos. These filler tobaccos have been elected as the preferred crops from top harvesting areas in order to create a smooth, and refined smoke, making it one with immense flavor. In addition, the russet colored Ecuadorian wrapper adds a touch of spice that is highlighted by the large format of the Davidoff Toro Especial Sel 702 cigar is making cigar smoking history with its creamy smooth smoke and nutty flavor.
Before setting fire to this beauty, the draw emits a sweet and nutty fragrance that teases the nostrils, only to be solidified upon first light. Almost immediately after the first light, copious amounts of a creamy-smooth smoke coat the palate, and fill the air. Notes of roasted coffee and nuts create a polite partnership during the first two thirds of the cigar. Once the final third arrives, a touch of chocolate emerges, along with a strong shot of espresso at the conclusion. Perhaps the most notable flavor, however, is the consistency of creamy leather that appears throughout the duration of the entire smoke.
Any humidor would be happy to house one of these smokes, until a celebration arises, or a special gift is needed. Recipients from friends and family, to business clients would all be great potential prospects, as these rods are definitely made for the worthy. In fact, adding a top shelf rum or bourbon to go along with a Davidoff Toro Especial Sel 702 cigar would make a terrific complement. On the other hand, no matter what is paired with one of these cigars, the untouchable reputation of the Davidoff brand alone, will speak for itself.
Overall, the Davidoff Toro Especial Sel 702 definitely lives up to the legacy of Davidoff cigars, and well deserves a place among the top ranked smokes of the year. Given the masterful construction of the cigar, as well as the harmony of complimentary flavors, an even burn, and copious amounts of smoke, this line is worth paying the price when it comes to total satisfaction. For many aficionados, especially Davidoff fans, there is no question that this cigar performs like a champ, and screams superiority, all the while, completely dominating the competing special editions from other labels.
Author Bio: For more information on Davidoff Toro Especial Cigars, cigar lighters, cutters, humidors and cigar smoking please visit the serious cigars online cigar shop.
Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: Cigars, Cigar Smoking, cigar review